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This is something I pulled out from my bin of old "secret" WIPs...ones that were not good enough to show to the public until I have worked on them considerably. This one's two years in the making. I wanted to make another Aria of Sorrow remix and chose the Floating Garden as a good source to attempt a new take on it.

As my abilities improved so must my computer to take care of it. I couldn't have done this as efficiently with my single core setup just a year ago. Anyways, I like how this is shaping up and I await your feedback.


Source material: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gba/CVAoS-FloatingGarden.mid

Listen and enjoy


Congrats on getting a track on the Tales project. :D

Cool source track. Can recognize some of it in your wip, but you might want to put more source in the foreground. Someone more familiar with the source can probably provide better feedback on how you've used the source and if it's sufficient.

Anyway, production sounds pretty good to me. Not a big fan of the hats, or the occasional bleeps. This isn't my area of expertise, so I'd suggest putting this next to a couple of similar, professional-made tracks and comparing frequency balance and other production stuff.

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