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Well, this should be my second submission, unless the first one got messed up, which is quite possible. Anyway, this just kind of sprouted from my sudden, rare desire to do another remix. It's also a song that I'm extremely fond of, and orchestral just seemed to be the only proper way to do it(heh, no offense or anything, it's my my opinion).

Again.. credit it to HappyBivouac, or Zach Schumacher if you want the actual name. For some reason, by looking at ID3 tags it seems people don't really take guidelines into account anymore, so I'm not really sure if you need any of this info. >.<

Yup. Here ya go.


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This is pretty much the original with a few touchups. The real problem is that hardly more than 2 instruments are ever going at once. Its extremely minimal.

Samples are real good, ofcourse.

No real percussion element going on.

Relying on sample quality isn't enough to make the cut.

Go for some rearrangement.


  • 2 weeks later...
This is pretty much the original with a few touchups.

If by "touchups" you mean a lot of really strange chords and excess unisons, plus the entire thing being incredibly improvised, which can be good when done well and accurately, (not the case here), and if you're considering the extra distortion on the loud parts to be a touch up, then I'll agree with you.



  • 2 weeks later...

nice reverby percussion. almost too reverby, but that's not an issue.

sometimes the attacks on the strings are too slow for the melodic rhythm, so you get an unnatural sounding attack, but that was infrequent.

it sounds very empty harmonically, we just get melody/bass and maybe some fifths here and there. the voicings in this arrangement seem odd, as if the remixer is inexperienced with the orchestral style (just a guess, but i'm often wrong).

ooh, we get some clever dissonance with the oboe solo.

at the end we finally get some harmonies through linear dissolution of additional melodic lines, but it's still somewhat unsatisfying.

for orchestral, this really doesn't have a lot of substance to it. there are good ideas but i think it would benefit from a resubmit.


  • 3 weeks later...

Please bear with me on my first vote. :wink:

I concur with the statements made with this mix.

I heard this while it was in the WIP and I'm glad to see some of the issues have been resolved. I know HappyBivouac likes his mixes loud and drenched in reverb. Unfortunately, the reverb here is much too much. If you want to use this much reverb, I think it might work better if you used some kind of depth with wet and dry ratios to simulate a more realistic approach. Strings and woodwinds more upfront and percussions in the back. Here everything sounds far away and slightly too distant.

There are nice ideas here that feel unfulfilled. It needs more instrumentation. Very nice use of articulations throughout though, especially with the strings. I'm a sucker for tremelos. More instrumentation would have helped the mix. As protricity mentioned, it seems like there are only certain parts of an orchestra playing at a time.

Frankly, I'm not sure what's with the ending parts with the painfully loud section being that loud.

This is a minimalist orchestra that could have been so much more. HP's recent efforts are much better, and this one definitely shows it's age a bit. With HP's new found skills, this could definitely be submitted with more polished work and stand a much better chance.

For now...NO

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