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*NO* Phantasy Star 4 'Motavian Battlefield' *RESUB*

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The original song is the Phantasy Star 4 battle theme, Meet Them Head On. My version is entitled "Motavian Battlefield". I have uploaded it to (see below). You can credit it to Andrew Aversa (but use "dj zircon") with help from Colin Eichinger ("Rebel Faction"). You can include this email, but not the website since I am still working on it. I believe I have addressed all of the judges' comments.

Thank you in your advance for your time,

Andrew Aversa

  • 3 weeks later...

Beat is really poor in the middle section. Use of drumloops makes everything fall apart.

Interesting song. I really like the initial build up, however the drumloops kills the song from that point. The lead is exceedingly hollow and weak.

This song could have used more movement for its style. Perhaps a stronger beat and faster.


  • 4 weeks later...

Hmm, very appropriate that the voting is split on this one so far. I'm torn on this one myself. For the same reasons mentioned so far.

This is actually a medley, it has the Battle theme and also the dungeon theme from Phantasy Star, it's also in Phantasy Star 4 but I don't remember which track. Smooth transitions in and out of that section. Bonus points there.

Arrangement is fine, and the combination of the two themes works for me.

I do like the instrument selection here, however that high pitched bellish type synth got on my nerves after a bit. It's a bit sharp. Also like other zircon mixes, too much reverb for this kind of genre.

Drumwork is pretty serviceable, although I like the orchestra hit usage. Decent ending. It's a fun mix that doesn't take itself too seriously and I think one that people would enjoy so..


  • 2 weeks later...

there's a number of interesting sounds here, some fm synthesis, some oscillator sync, some distorted bandpass sweeps, detuned saws. he's got a bit of everything.

there's something rhythmically odd about the beat at 1:05ish, like the beat is swinged while everything else is straight. in the 1:30 section and on it's not very interesting... there's just that piercing melody and bassline pattern while the drums carry the listener's attention to the next measure.

pretty cluttered overall... i think this needs another resubmit.


  • 2 weeks later...

Healthy variety of sounds, good beats, and decent development: all of which would make a cool mix without the drumwork spazzing into fits alongside disjointed melodic movement and shoddy structure. This is very much cluttered; not too much in the way of finesse. The drumloops seem to be used to impress rather than facilitate. I have a strong feeling that this would have almost been fine for what it is if the mixer didn't overreach himself with crazy percussion.



Whoa, I'm completely in agreement with analoq about it sounding cluttered. Half of the sounds are muffled and muddy, and the other half are sharp, and it just ends up sounding strange. And with the muffled half, it's hard to make out individual things.

I don't like the lead synth in this. It feels completely out of place. The drums are pretty weak, too. They're decent in some places, but most of the time they're just... there. No presence at all.

The funny, yet logical, thing is that when there's very little going on, it sounds pretty good.

Another thing I'm hearing is what sounds like issues with tuning. The lead synth sounds out of tune in some places, which is peculiar. There's also something really weird going on at 2:22 when the two synths come in for that section. It's a weird rhythm or something.

The arrangement seems pretty good, and I like the ending.

Sounds way too drafty and unfinished for me.


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