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I'm only going to critique the finished ones. It makes more sense that way.

Liljedahl - Son of a bitch, dude, you put me to shame here. It's a bit long and overdrawn and not much really comes in to make special later on, but this is still a really well done synth-rock piece in every regard. If I did something like this I'd be very proud of myself for a while. What did you use for this anyways?

X2 - Wasn't as enthusiastic about this song, but all the right stuff is still there. I'd maybe slow it way down and turn it into an ambient track.


I really love your style man! These songs are what i've been wanting to capture in my electronic/prog rock songs but cannot. I mostly write rock/metal so i guess its not a very familiar territory when it comes to writing.

Liljedahl - This song is awesome! I love the overall tone of it. I think the length is very approriate for what you were going for with this song. I love the vocals at the end, and if there were someway to add more vocals to other parts of the track as well, that would be even better!

Agent X2 - I like the tempo/pace of it already, and the synths that you use are awesome. they kinda remind me of sounds from an old Sonic game or something. Where did you get those synths?

Commando - The tempo is spot on and all the leads/synths I think a little break with a cool synth solo would add some more variety to the track.

Promises - This track really captures the japanese anime sound. Its not really a fav of mine, but you still did an awesome job here. I think maybe some leads would add a little more variety to the song as well.

Anyways, do you play all the instruments yourself? Especially the keyboards? Sounds like you use a chip tune keyboard or something along those lines. Keep up the good work!


Ya know, i was thinking. Your Liljedahl track, at least to me, would sound awesome with a nice guitar solo somewhere in the breakdown/interlude before the last 'chorus'. I was playing along with it and think i came up with a pretty good sound for it!

Let me know, i'm not really sure if your up to collabs. :)


jabond: The track is finished, so I dont wish to continue working on it.

Liljedahl - What did you use for this anyways?

I used Z3ta+ for eveything except the pads (for those I used ReFx NeXus). Arranged in FL Studio.

Vocals are from my library of random vocals (tweaked to fit the song using Melodyne).


I just wanna say that i can't get Liljedahl out of my head. That chorus keyboard riff is so damn catchy, lol. :) Seriously though, its an awesome track.

So you just use your laptop for making music? I like that, cause besides playing guitar, i don't play any other instruments. So when i'm making a song, all the other instruments are done on my PC.

  • 2 weeks later...
Now I'm almost afraid to listen to it. "Robots Have Depressions Too" is still lingering in the back of brain somewhere...

Hehe, well. Liljedahl is God (originally Galway is God by Jogeir Liljedahl) is a really catchy tune, so.

You might want to stay clear if you are a "whistler". =P

Hehe, well. Liljedahl is God (originally Galway is God by Jogeir Liljedahl) is a really catchy tune, so.

You might want to stay clear if you are a "whistler". =P

Still though, its an awesome mix. I still listen once a day or so. Partially cause i live in an apartment and the bass bugs my downstairs neightbor. ;) lol

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