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Hi Dj.Pretzel,

I hope all is well and you had a nice Christmas vacation.

I recently did a new game remix, this time from the NES game Blaster Master and I would like to submit it to the OCremix.

Contact Information

· Mattias Holmgren

· Mattias Holmgren

· info@morningdewmedia.com

· www.morningdewmedia.com

Submission Information

· Blaster Master

· Battlefield (I think, it’s a little bit drifting around some of the melodies in the first few tracks)


· The remix was made in Cubase 4 with Kontakt 3 as main sampler, various commercial drum samples and custom made samples.

The track contains some real flute and of course an acoustic guitar solo, loads of z3ta+ patches, Albino 3 presets etc.

Did you include my last Zelda remix (Zelda Heineken?)

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,

Mattias Holmgren



Hard to get a handle on how the source is used in this. 2:10-2:15, 2:15-3:06, and their repetitions I picked out from stage 2 (track 3 of nsf), but that's pretty much all I found. That's a minority of the song. I get the feeling I'm missing something big here, but it might not matter...

I think your sound design is fairly cool, much like Zelda Heineken, but this felt less polished than that song. The transitions were weak and the song felt very segmented. 1:19 dropped the energy you were building up, and the 1:19-2:09 section didn't build much. The guitar sections were cool though the space sometimes felt empty, there could have been more to fill the space. Some additional time spent on mixing could have helped too.

So to me the only thing left to decide is whether this should be a NO or NO (resubmit). I'll leave that up to someone else, because I feel like I don't have a good handle there. I don't think this one cuts it either way, Mattias.


  • 5 weeks later...
I can't seem to hear any of the source in here save for a few small sections. A lot of it seems to be completely original. :(

It's a really cool track, but it needs WAY more source than just that little bit.

http://www.zophar.net/download_file/13459 - Track 3

Ditto. The 1:19 section was too sparse, and I also thought the treble there was a bit too much. It took until 2:10 for something I could recognize to come in, and the textures were still too sparse and basic in a lot of ways; the core groove being flimsy didn't help this. Overall, the track sounds fairly good in a vacuum, but I have absolutely no clue what you're mixing from Blaster Master. Track 3 from the NSF was all I could vaguely make out. Other areas sounded similar to the style of Blaster Masters melodies, but nothing I could overtly recognize.

More than 50% of the arrangement needs to overtly involve the source tune music for me to pass it. Even if the VGM was used for most of the mix, the textures and production weren't up to your usual sophistication and quality. Gotta pass on this one, but looking forward to checking out your next subs, as it's great to have you doing more in the community again!


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