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Uh, because it's gay.

And because every asshole with an internet connection that's ever watched MTV or listened to whatever their local pop-emo-rock station is suddenly thinks he/she's a poet.


Oh, as I gather my insipid feelings

And I look to the north to the horizon

I feel as though I'm alone, but surrounded

By nothing but my solitude.

Alas, I realize that my solitude is shared

Those out there like me reach out in a sympathetic cry

Once again, the embers of my life are renewed

As I pay for another month of World of Warcraft.

--- Find this and other poems on my myspace page! ---


It's gay, and I want to smack the life out of "online poets."


I pretty much whole-heartedly share AD's feelings here. Sorry dude, but you should know better than to wander into off-topic and post deviantart related poetry. I mean, just read AD's sig. This dude is a killer. A KILLER.

Anyways, just to give you my 5-cent critique, the Yin-Yang as a dichotomy of good and evil is a little overdone. And even then, I think it's missing the point a little...Yin and Yang are about balance, not struggle. And I don't mean to knock your creative vibe, but I'd work on your style a little.

And I totally didn't know you're DarkeSword's kid brother. Woah.

I pretty much whole-heartedly share AD's feelings here. Sorry dude, but you should know better than to wander into off-topic and post deviantart related poetry. I mean, just read AD's sig. This dude is a killer. A KILLER.

lol AD brown nosing

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