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Alright, guys. This one is a medley of some of my favorite old school Mario music. This medley has the Super Mario Bros. Main Theme, the Underground Theme, the Star Theme, and the Overworld Theme from Super Mario World. The style is techno-dance. I say dance because many I know have just got up and started dancing to it xD


Alright, guys. This one is a medley of some of my favorite old school Mario music. This medley has the Super Mario Bros. Main Theme, the Underground Theme, the Star Theme, and the Overworld Theme from Super Mario World. The style is techno-dance. I say dance because many I know have just got up and started dancing to it xD


I think you have a decent concept but you've got lots of repetition, and in a medley.. it gets boring; when I hear the first theme, and then i hear it repeat, I am basically waiting for the next theme to come around and hear how that sounds because I've already grown a little tired of the first theme. Variations upon the themes would help, and finding a way to make one theme blend into the other more smoothly would be best, unless you're intentionally going for a volta. Maybe some original writing here and there to make this less like you're sticking songs back to back.

As far as sound quality goes, I think it's pretty ok. Others might give you crits here on how to improve but I'm too much of a noob to help you there lol.


Same old Yoshi's Island and up star music. I was kind of hoping you'd do something more original based off the original NES star music.

Also, the repetition was kind of boring like SE said.


Not bad. I understand that its a medley, but I'd recommend a bit more on the arrangement end. Perhaps combining themes in places or something. There's nothing wrong with going from song to song, but I think you'd benefit from fusing pieces together.

Nonetheless, I like where this is going. Keep working on it and see where you get!

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