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Those are from the SH2 DVD that shipped free with the SH2 game, not the book of lost memories, which was released seperately.

That's not the whole story; plus, you did not specify which version of the game the bonus DVD was on.

The bonus DVD was first released in the initial printings of the European (PAL) version of Silent Hill 2 on Nov. 23, 2001 for the Playstation 2. This initial printing of the game was aptly named "Silent Hill 2: Special Edition." The bonus DVD was created by WE Productions, an independent documentary studio established in Paris, France (originally part of FunTV France, now its own studio). The DVD featured along with the "Making of Silent Hill 2" additional bonus materials provided by Team Silent, which included never-seen-before images, trailers, press events and other production materials.

The production materials featured on the bonus DVD were later released in Japan as part of the composition in the "Art of Silent Hill" DVD, not to be mistaken with the similarly named "Lost Memories: Art and Music of Silent Hill" DVD sold after the release of Silent Hill 3. However, the "Art of Silent Hill" does not feature the "Making of Silent Hill 2" documentary nor the "SILENT HILL 2 EVENT JUILLET 2001." The reason is likely because the documentary and press event are journalistic materials and not owned by Konami, so Konami would have had to pay a portion of the sales of the "Art of Silent Hill" DVD to the owners if they had included them. Despite what you might hear from other sources, only the production materials from the "Making of Silent Hill 2" DVD are in the "Art of Silent Hill" DVD.

Copies of both DVDs ("Art of Silent Hill" & "Lost Memories: Art and Music of Silent Hill") are still available online from importers. The Art of Silent Hill is available through AnimeNation, a reliable importer of Japanese materials; while the Lost Memories: Art and Music of Silent Hill DVD can be purchased through Play-Asia. The DVDs are Region 2 disks, so if you live in Region 4 (Austrailia/New Zealand) which also uses PAL format and also recieved the bonus DVD with the game, you'll need to get a compatable player.

Please note that the materials, including the "Ki-No-Ko" and "Fukuro" videos, found on "Art of Silent Hill" DVD can also be found in "Lost Memories: Art and Music of Silent Hill," except for the Caramel Mix video, which is an video featuring photage from Silent Hill 2 over a remix of one of the games songs by Skeewif. But, you get the most bang for your buck from the "Lost Memories: Art and Music of Silent Hill" DVD, since it features materials from Silent Hill 3.

If you'd like to see a small section of the "Making of Silent Hill 2," go to the official European site and look under the section titled "Making of." For additional information about the "Making of Silent Hill 2," you can visit The Silence is Broken. If you'd like to see the production materials on the "Art of Silent Hill" DVD, you can visit Silent Hill Heaven.

Also, the book "Lost Memories: Silent Hill Chronicle" (Ushinawareta Kioku) is the name of the strategy guide released in Japan that contains developer comments and information regarding the entire Silent Hill series. And, "Lost Memories" refers to the book in the game containing the history of the town. It might be a little hard to keep the names straight, but each item does have a different individual name.

European Websites:

In my quest to find everything Silent Hill related, I recently visited the Konami Store of Europe (French Branch). I thought I'd seen everything released for Silent Hill, but you aren't a real SH fan until you own your own official Silent Hill Radio! (If link does not work, go to Boutique --> Collectors --> Silent Hill to view the items.) Oh yeah, that's right. Now you can wander lost highways jamming to your favorite tunes with the sleek, stylish and portable radio. I'm ordering mine as soon I get some cash together.

Another Akira Yamaoka Interview:

Although this interview is quite old, it think it's one of the most expressive interviews given by Akira Yamaoka. He clearly explains his goals, interests and level of involvement in previous works with lots of energy and enthusiasm. Plus, it has a good recommendation of music to listen to. What I found most interesting about the interview was Yamaoka's views on music in the gaming industry and among his peers in Japan. Though, he may be considered arrogant in his views, the issue of game music not being on the top of people's aspectations rings true in certain circles. I do agree to some extent on his feelings that game music today is not being as risky as it could be or trying to experiment as much as it could, but I don't agree totally, since there are some artists who do innovative and experimental things with music.


While searching through Konami's pages, I found some information for anyone looking for financial support in their education. If you are a student studying game design, the Kozuki Foundation for Higher Education is offering a scholarship to students in that field. Also, if you happen to be between 15 and 25 years old and want to become a cartoonist, illustrator, animator or the like, the Kozuki Foundation will offer you a subsidy to get started. The Kozuki Foundation was established by Kagemasa Kozuki, founder of the Konami Corporation, and is sponsored by the Konami Corporation.


Ah, thanks for those details, I was about to order the 'Art of Silent Hill' DVD but now I may wait untill the 'Lost Memories' one becomes available.

Nice looking radio, though it's not very SHish looking. I imagine it does more than just recieve radio stations?

Ah, thanks for those details, I've was about to order the 'Art of Silent Hill' DVD but now I may wait untill the 'Lost Memories' one becomes available.

Oops, sorry, I didn't notice that Play-Asia had gone out of stock on that title. I tried checking around some of other sites, and you can still find it from Japanese retailers, just not anything English-friendly. If you really want to try, you can get it directly from the Konami Store of Japan. You can also check with Amazon of Japan if other places don't get it back in stock. (Amazon of Japan does have some help in English, but not much.) If not there's always, E-Bay.

Silent Hill 3: Greatest Hits:

This one seems to be going under the radar for some reason. It seems that Konami has released, quite some time ago, the greatest hits version of Silent Hill 3. (Actually, I'm not sure if it actually is the "Greatest Hits" version, but since that's what they call most Playstation re-released games. So, I'm calling it that for the moment.) This re-released version of Silent Hill 3 is titled Silent Hill 3: Konami za Besuto, or Silent Hill 3: Konami the Best.

I can't tell you much about the title yet, because I'm still trying to translate the japanese text, but I've heard a rumor that it contains new game material (similar to Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams & Silent Hill 2: Greatest Hits Version released for SH2), the most interesting of which is a brand-new ending. Hmmmm..... Anyway, I only noticed it because the cover was slightly different than the earlier released Japanese cover, and that the official site said to look out for something in 2004.

More on this later.

Silent Hill Parodies:

You can't always take this series seriously, so here are some things to lighten the mood.

It took some time, but we're finally beginning to see some parodies of SH4 emerging. Check out Silent Hill 4: The Retarded for some weird and off-the-wall humor and comics. Depending on your tastes in humor, you may or may not be amused.

Here's a sample:


Personally, I'm fond of the Silent Hill 2 Chibi. (Still waiting for the complete ending.) Or you can learn Knick Knack's style and make your own comics. Heehee.

Personally, I'm fond of the Silent Hill 2 Chibi. (Still waiting for the complete ending.) Or you can learn Knick Knack's style and make your own comics. Heehee.

I've read through all of it, and I must say that it's close to brilliant. At first, it looks really sketchy, and it's very funny. But as the game develops, so does the comic. Some scenes in the game are depicted even better in this comic. They're more powerful and emotional than they were in the game. Everyone should read this comic, and not just for the great comedy.


Ya know, when I woke up this afternoon, I was thinking about writing an original Silent Hill fan comic. Basicly taking what I feel, make monsters out of some of those feelings and such... It's a weak, new idea that needs some encouragement and more thinking.

On to the games. I'm pissed that the verisons I have are the normal verisons. I couldn't find SH2:GH in stores. Guess I'll check out Konami, see if they have a site store.

EDIT: It came to my attention that the up coming episode of Medium (an NBC show) sounds alot like the whole Walter thing in SH4... I think this episode will be on Monday... if anyone cares.


It's shameless self promotion, but oh well. Drop me a comment if you can.

Cute, but drawing a Chibi version of the Red Pyramid Thing is really, REALLY overdone. Everyone and their dog has some sort of RPT (PH for those perpetuating the mis-nomenclature) fan art. It's a nice adaptation of the monster, but just reinforces the stereotype placed on the Red Pyramid Thing. I think the reason I've become so nonchalant about people's affections for the Red Pyramid Thing is that they often misinterpret its representation and often place characteristics upon it that don't really reflect the true nature of its purpose.

Big Silent Hill 2 Spoiler, but

Pyramid Head = James (as self-representation/reflection)

So, by having a comic like the Red Pyramid Thing "shopping for a James," because RPT is trying to kill James is really is a poke at people who commit suicide or have suicidal tendencies, which really isn't that funny. Seeing how distorted people make these things really ticks me off, because it's like watching small children use swear words; they don't really know what they're doing or what harm they're causing themselves. (But, of course, that's what James was doing by forgetting what he did. And that is funny, only in the ironic you=me kinda why.)

Really, no offense to you foxstomp, just the misguided ideas held by fans of every Silent Hill game.

Ya know, when I woke up this afternoon, I was thinking about writing an original Silent Hill fan comic. Basicly taking what I feel, make monsters out of some of those feelings and such... It's a weak, new idea that needs some encouragement and more thinking.

Based on concept alone, it sounds like a really great idea. Creating an original piece of work based on the same concepts that spawned the Silent Hill series is always worth a try. The topic of creating interactions between the feelings you have, manifeasted in physical, yet disturbing form, would fuel a highly interesting discussion about the way people deal with their feelings and problems.

If you were to do so, I'd suggest you understand what you feel, at least on a small scale. You might not be able to fully depict what you are feeling, whether good or bad; try to a least have the monsters reflect that. Also, understand that in the Silent Hill world, monsters don't necessarily have an evil nature. Dangerous, highly distorted and a litle misguided, but not necessarily evil. I also suggest that you not make all of them defeatable, at least not out-right. Because if your work represents a sense of emotions stirring, you should know that not every emotion is easy to overcome. (Ahh... metaphors, how I love thee.)

Try not to think too much. You might focus too hard on getting the emotions to come out. Let it flow out first until you can get your characters developed, then you can revise and adjust as needed. Chances are that you'll screw something up or get something wrong in the beginning, but that's the nature of creative thinking. Besides, it also ties in well with your concept. Failure produces feelings too. (Ahh... abstract thinking, how I love thee.)

On to the games. I'm pissed that the verisons I have are the normal verisons. I couldn't find SH2:GH in stores. Guess I'll check out Konami, see if they have a site store.

Yeah, you'll run into that problem since the game was released about three years ago. If there are vintage game-stores around your area, you might be able to find it there, though likely used. To get a new copy, check eBay.com to find it for sure. Otherwise, Konami, let alone anyone else, doesn't have the North American version. The North American site redirected me to Amazon.com, who only carries the first release of Silent Hill 2. (Guess that makes it rare now.)

While you're there, look out for anyone selling Silent Hill 2 T-shirts; they're not official. But still, they are pretty cool looking. The only official Silent Hill 2 T-shirt released was the European T-shirt that featured the cover art for the European Version of the game (available only on The Konami Store of Europe - French Branch.) Several were released for Silent Hill 3, including some from the game, but only five are still available from Konami (in limited quantities). Two are available for Silent Hill 4 and none were made for the original Silent Hill. (Where's the love for Harry Mason?!)

EDIT: It came to my attention that the up coming episode of Medium (an NBC show) sounds alot like the whole Walter thing in SH4... I think this episode will be on Monday... if anyone cares.

Well, if you've been reading the sunday comics, there's a new character in Rex Morgan, M.D. that has a strong resemblance to Walter Sullivan (except with glasses) and a sketchy personality. But, it's not anything worth taking note.

I was really excited about the X-Files after watching a rerun on Saturday. The episode had a really great Silent Hill-type feel and could have been a part of the games. It was about an investigation of several black men killed and turning into albinos. The folk-tale surrounding the case was of a monster who could possess men and kill undetected. It also could hide in spaces that even children could not get into. (One scene shows a man looking for the guy possessed and a drawer opening to reveal to the audience his hiding place. The only thing you could see were his eyes and some of his face in the drawer. It really freaked me out in a way that I hadn't been in a long time. They end up tracking the man-possessed to an abandoned building preparing for demolishion. That part really could have been in the game.)

Anyway, I love the X-Files, especially when the shows are about isolated, paraonormal phenomenon that don't run into other episodes. Maybe I'll check out "Resist or Serve" sometime later.


Cute, but drawing a Chibi version of the Red Pyramid Thing is really, REALLY overdone. Everyone and their dog has some sort of RPT (PH for those perpetuating the mis-nomenclature) fan art. It's a nice adaptation of the monster, but just reinforces the stereotype placed on the Red Pyramid Thing. I think the reason I've become so nonchalant about people's affections for the Red Pyramid Thing is that they often misinterpret its representation and often place characteristics upon it that don't really reflect the true nature of its purpose.

First of all, thanks for actually taking the time to look at the picture, and respond. I really appreciate it.

I do apologize if drawing PH, or RPT is overdone -- I've never seen it done, but then again, I'm not at all involved in fan communities, nor have I looked around.

While I respect your opinion, and understand your frustration with seeing the same thing over and over again, I think you're kind of forgetting that what makes the Silent Hill games so powerful for people is just how subjective they are. I don't know if you can really call anyone's interpretation of the monster as misinterpreted, because its purpose or reason is never explained. I think what makes Pyramid Head, or The Red Pyramid Thing, so scary is that its up to you what to make of it. While it might be a representation of James' suicidal tendencies to some, someone else might make it out to be a representation of James' conflicted emotions toward women -- or maybe, as just as an independent creature bent on destroying James.

Even if the creators issued an official statement saying "The pyramid monster represents..." the game is setup in such a way that people would still get whatever they want out of it.

But anyway, thanks again for the comments. I don't have any hard feelings or anything, but I don't think its necessarily fair to dismiss others' interpretations as misguided.

I do apologize if drawing PH, or RPT is overdone -- I've never seen it done, but then again, I'm not at all involved in fan communities, nor have I looked around.

I'm surprised. As part of the DeviantART community, I figured you had to have seen something at least once. The Red Pyramid Thing is a celebrity there. Cases in point:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Example 6

Example 7

Example 8

Example 9

Example 10

And so on, and so on...

Although, I do admit that this one is pretty funny. (Don't forget about this one.)

While I respect your opinion, and understand your frustration with seeing the same thing over and over again, I think you're kind of forgetting that what makes the Silent Hill games so powerful for people is just how subjective they are. I don't know if you can really call anyone's interpretation of the monster as misinterpreted, because its purpose or reason is never explained. I think what makes Pyramid Head, or The Red Pyramid Thing, so scary is that its up to you what to make of it. While it might be a representation of James' suicidal tendencies to some, someone else might make it out to be a representation of James' conflicted emotions toward women -- or maybe, as just as an independent creature bent on destroying James.

Even if the creators issued an official statement saying "The pyramid monster represents..." the game is setup in such a way that people would still get whatever they want out of it.

But anyway, thanks again for the comments. I don't have any hard feelings or anything, but I don't think its necessarily fair to dismiss others' interpretations as misguided.

Very little is explained in the games. Pick any topic, character, monster or idea from the game and you'll see that next-to-nothing about it is explained. Take this game. Why does James go looking for his wife? James never really says and the game doesn't really say explicitly, but there are clues that fill you in on the answer. We can see from James' words and way he talks about Mary is that he loves her. He doesn't ever say so explicitly, but you can tell. And that makes up a majority of the storytelling in that game. You have to infer a great deal of the information and make connections based on what you are presented with. Now, you can go on to then debate what it means to "infer" something and if what you are inferring really means what it supposed to be, but that goes beyond the point.

What is important about the story is how to interpret the clues based on the direction that the game is trying to lead you to. There are certain things the developers wanted you to understand about the story. There are several aspects that the developers wanted you to make in order to appreciate the story at the end. One of those things in a direct relationship between James and the Red Pyramid Thing.

The point at which this connection is made is during the scene near the end of the game where James confronts the two Red Pyramid Things in the Hotel Lobby. James quite clearly states, "I was weak. That's why I needed you. needed someone to punish me for my sins." He then goes on to defeat the two Red Pyramid Things. You have to consider everything that has happened so far in the story and what is left to ponder at that point to really understand what that meant.

A deeper analysis of the game reveals the developers created a subtle, sub-conscious hint toward this conclusion earlier in the game. The dead man in the chair in Rm 207 of the apartment complex. And the presence of the Red Pyramid Thing just before you enter the room.

Actually, the developers did issue an official statement saying "The pyramid monster represents...." It was released in the "Lost Memories: Silent Hill Chronicle." The book was a guide to the entire Silent Hill series up to the third game. You can read the translated version at Translated Memories. And despite the nature of the game, there is a set storyline that you should be able to follow.

Honestly, I understand your point. I understand it all too well, because for a long time, I held the same view point. I believed that the nature of the game did hold boundless interpretation, but as I looked deeper and deeper into the game, I realized that it was only guided-interpretation. The story purposefully takes you by the hand showing you the main points and then lets you extrapolate the details on your own, points that do not change the set storyline. That is the nature of videogames. You have to follow the arrows to the end of the race; take the four plaques and place them in the four plaque-shaped holes; follow the logical sequence of events to reach the ultimate conclusion, no matter how cryptic or confusing the puzzle is.

But, it won't always be that way. Games will continue to evolve and experiences will become more multi-dimensional. The developers have stated that they are working to have the sequels be more intertwined and complex. But, despite the appearance, you just have to understand that the Silent Hill games (up to this point) are not completely multi-dimensional, nor entirely one-dimensional. Yet, in that state of being semi-multi-dimensional, they are still really interesting to talk about.


Looking through your gallery, I really do like your art style. Charming, fun, vibrant, and of a character all it's own. Nice work. :nicework:

Don't take what I said too personally.


Man, ifrit, GOOD FRIGGIN CALL on the translated memories webpage.

My main question about the RPT as an executioner - If James's delusions were leading him to Silent Hill to be punished, why did he break through the executioners and still fight Mary (his demon of Silent Hill?). I guess that's the point of having several endings, in which he punishes himself. But is there a good reason that he actually fights off those by whom he was supposed to be punished?

Sorry if I don't make sense. I just got the dog ending again and my head hurts.


Silent Hill 2 Spoilers

My main question about the RPT as an executioner - If James's delusions were leading him to Silent Hill to be punished, why did he break through the executioners and still fight Mary (his demon of Silent Hill?). I guess that's the point of having several endings, in which he punishes himself. But is there a good reason that he actually fights off those by whom he was supposed to be punished?

The Red Pyramid Thing is a representation (physical or metaphorical) of James' feelings to punish himself for what he did. However, James also had feelings of need to be punished by the person he caused harm to: Mary. James also had feelings of remorse for his actions that also minfeasted themselves while he was in Silent Hill (again either physical or metaphorical).

James overcoming the Red Pyramid Things can be seen in a few different lights. Either James was trying to overcome his own need for punishment by others and take responsibility for his actions. To him, by eliminating the RPTs he was throwing away the delusion that he did not know what he did. This is because the Red Pyramid Things also made up a small part of James' sense of self-delusion. He sees his confrontation with the RPTs as a confrontation with his delusion.

The other way of looking at this event is that James is acknowledging his feelings of hate and disgust for Mary while she was sick. The Red Pyramid Thing embodies various darker sides of James' nature. The rape scene, the killing of other monsters, the persuit of Maria and the pursuit of himself are all aspects that James sees in himself. Thus, by confronting these darker aspects, he is trying to overcome his weakness to give into these parts of his nature.

Yet, you could see it as James diving deeper into his delusion because you could say that he is acknowledging that these creatures are real and that he must defeat them to reach the truth about his purpose in the town, or that he will find Mary if he defeats the Red Pyramid Things. Of course, this theory stems from the idea that all the events in the game are completely inside James' head and some, if not all, of it is not real.

There are a few other ideas that can be inferred from the event, but they are sub-theories of the ones above.

Sorry if I don't make sense. I just got the dog ending again and my head hurts.

Pat yourself on the back. You've just gotten the worst ending in game. Seriously, that ending truly makes no sense. (Or does it make perfect sense?) Shut up you inner-dialogue voice! (Time to roll the credits.)


Wow. ifirit, I apologize -- you put me right in my place. That link is AMAZING! Though, a little disappointing too, especially when it came to SH3. I interpreted a lot of the monster designs as having strong sexual undertones, and that's part of the reason that game was so creepy to me.

Thanks for being so civil, and pointing me towards the light. And thanks again for the compliment on my art. I really appreciate it.


I made a rough draft of the story I was thinking of making. It sort of turned out slightly like SH2, but with different motives and different monsters. I've only made the first few panels so far, but I'll keep it at that till I figure more things out. However, my work on one monster is trying out rather satisfactory. I'll post a sketch sometime soon if there's interest.


Silent Hill 3 Spoilers

I interpreted a lot of the monster designs as having strong sexual undertones, and that's part of the reason that game was so creepy to me.

The idea of sexuallity and motherhood are deeply intertwined in the third game. I'm not sure if they mean for the concepts of birthing and motherhood to be prodominantly sexual, but there definitely are traces. Some people have argued both ways.

One theory also claimed that the monsters/enemies also correlated to the idea of the seven deadly sins:

Insane Cancer --> Sloth (Due to its tendency to lay down if left alone.)

Double Heads --> Gluttony (For trying to eat everything in it's path. [Dead bodies, beef jerky, Heather, etc.])

Nurse --> Pride (Due to the disturbing way the nurses enhance their looks.)

Missionary --> Rage (For the way it makes Heather feel.)

Guardian --> Greed (For the way he covets the "seal.")

Vatiel --> Lust (For the concepts of sexuality seen in the game.)

Memory of Alessa --> Envy (For being jealous of Heather's simple life with Harry.)

The theory does hold water, but what it ultimately means to the story in the game, doesn't really change much of the events that lead to the end. It adds more of an explanation of themes and cross-references.

Thanks for being so civil, and pointing me towards the light. And thanks again for the compliment on my art. I really appreciate it.

I don't mean to kill anybody's ideas or theories, but the reason this started is that people sometimes don't try to put 2 and 2 together. Sometimes, they just take things for face-value. I just want people to think about and consider what is really trying to be said about an issue, especially with Silent Hill. Sorry, if it came across as pompus or arrogant. No hard feelings.

I made a rough draft of the story I was thinking of making. It sort of turned out slightly like SH2, but with different motives and different monsters. I've only made the first few panels so far, but I'll keep it at that till I figure more things out. However, my work on one monster is trying out rather satisfactory. I'll post a sketch sometime soon if there's interest.

Well, if you have motives established, why not try to use them as themes or diversions in the initial setting of the story? The story can begin at some point deeper in the progression with a revealing look at past events as the story moves on. Just because it's a comic, doesn't mean it has to follow comic-book rules. Use this opportunity to break some genre stereotypes, mess with the reader a little (just a little), and have fun while doing so.

Don't worry to much about getting the art to be perfect. Taking liberties with your drawing and doing something that is not intended may produce a result that might not have thought of before. I'm not saying, "just draw whatever." No, I mean to keep your ideas in mind, but if you try to do something that you wouldn't normally do under regular circumstances, you might make something new, unique and creative.

Go for fun and creativity. Don't worry about precision or fluidity. Those are revision tools.


Impressive, but I don't remember there being a Midwich Street. There was the Midwich Elementary School, but not a street with that name. And just for reference, the literary work that has more relevence to Silent Hill by Michael Crichton would be either Sphere or Eaters of the Dead (a.k.a. The 13th Warrior). You also forgot to list Ira Levin (Levin Street) for the book Rosemary's Baby. However, as I read down the list I see that you make references to those works. Also, it's debatable and not very likely that the song in one of the final cutscenes from Silent Hill 3 was actually the song (or a facimile of) "Mad World" by Gary Jules, since it is clearly a remix of Innocent Moon which is on the soundtrack and played earlier in the game. You'd be better off arguing that Innocent Moon is a derived work from Gary Jules. Plus, I've listened to both and don't hear much of a similarity.

Robbie the Rabbit's first appearance in a video game came from one version of Dance Dance Revolution, but I don't remember which one. Robbie is also tatooed on Cynthia's right butt cheek, but you only get to see it after you unlock her "Sexy Costume." As far as SH4 references go, you should add the reference to Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock, the references to David Lynch for the subway track and the Lynch Line token you get from the Cynthia doll, also there's a reference to Ally McBeal (I don't know why) during one of the bloodied, spiral stairwells between the world 2nd visits where you see a dancing doll baby. Well, it looks like it's dancing.

HEY! Where's my credit for the symbols on the channeling stone? DROP DEAD, THIEF. [/jk]


Ifrit, if the seven deadly sins theory is true then what are the huge guys supposed to be?

(y'know, the ones you find in the dance studio or at the bottom of the Hazel St stairwell)

The name of those monsters is Insane Cancer. Don't immediately associate Gluttony to them simply because they look fat. Based on the name and the description that Ito gives about the Insane Cancer, it's size is due mostly to cancerous growth, or "cancer running wild." Yeah, it's really gross when you think about it. As far as explaining the connection, Insane Cancers won't attack you unless really provoked, sometimes not at all. I've walked up to some with the flashlight on and not gotten a reaction out of them. That's lazy if you ask me.

On a Hard or Normal setting, you can have some fun with the Insane Cancers. Walk up just close enough to get the Insane Cancer's attention with the flashlight on, and as soon as it gets up, turn the light off. The Insane Cancer will immediately plop back down on the ground. You can do this as long as the Insane Cancer is not close enough to attack you and you don't make any sounds while the light is off. (Light goes on, light goes off, light goes on, light goes off.... It's like jazzercise for monsters!)

Impressive, but I don't remember there being a Midwich Street. There was the Midwich Elementary School, but not a street with that name.

I'm sure Midwich Street is the vertical street that Midwich Elementary school is on. I dont have access to the maps at the moment, but that's what I think.

Plus, I've listened to both and don't hear much of a similarity.

This is true. There's about three bars in the middle of the tune (it plays just after the mid-point of the cutscene (no spoilers, of course)).

HEY! Where's my credit for the symbols on the channeling stone? DROP DEAD, THIEF. [/jk]

Actually, I pretty much just copied and pasted everything I'd written for that brookhaven site we were working on...your name was on there, but they must've forgotten to add it.


Ifrit, if the seven deadly sins theory is true then what are the huge guys supposed to be?

(y'know, the ones you find in the dance studio or at the bottom of the Hazel St stairwell)

The name of those monsters is Insane Cancer.

I thought the insane cancers were those weird chicken things (y'know, the first monster you find in the mall...three of them attack you once you get the bookshop key)

And if that IS the case then what do the chicken things represent?

(Also, I think the nurse thing is more likely a play on the Eros/Thanatos that SH2 had going for it...'course I could be wrong)

Impressive, but I don't remember there being a Midwich Street. There was the Midwich Elementary School, but not a street with that name.

I'm sure Midwich Street is the vertical street that Midwich Elementary school is on. I dont have access to the maps at the moment, but that's what I think.

Just did a search and you're right. But that's so weird, I could swear that the name was different in the game. Maybe it's just my copy. (It's not the first time something in my version of the game was different than someone else's. Hmmm...)

HEY! Where's my credit for the symbols on the channeling stone? DROP DEAD, THIEF. [/jk]

Actually, I pretty much just copied and pasted everything I'd written for that brookhaven site we were working on...your name was on there, but they must've forgotten to add it.

I was using the opportunity to throw in a little Silent Hill joke. I thought it was pretty funny, but it must not be recognizable enough.

I thought the insane cancers were those weird chicken things (y'know, the first monster you find in the mall...three of them attack you once you get the bookshop key)

And if that IS the case then what do the chicken things represent?

(Also, I think the nurse thing is more likely a play on the Eros/Thanatos that SH2 had going for it...'course I could be wrong)

Nope, those are Numb Bodies. They represent hindered motion due to external conditions, i.e. their bodies are frozen making movement difficult and constricted.

Obviously, the idea of the seven deadly sins can't cover all the monsters in the game since there are more monsters than sins. However, if you wanted to apply a vice to them as opposed to a religious "sin," you might suggest that the Numb Bodies represent the vice of persuing someone at all costs. Think about any scary movie that has a serial killer in it. Always near the end, the serial killer comes back for one more "scare" usually after having some act done to him that would seriously prevent some one from coming back in real life. Therefore, Numb Bodies represent that drive to persue a victim no matter what bodily harm comes to them, ergo the frozen body.

So, while I'm on the subject I might as well extend this explanation for all the monsters. Next up, closers. Closers are described as beings that are meant to close something like a door or a book, essentially meaning that they obstruct the path of someone seeking a goal or truth. So their vice would be the manipulation to block someone from accomplishing their goals. This can be representative of both physically blocking someone (as do the Closers with their large bodies) or the more abstract form where you manipulate certain events that you know will help the other person to accomplish his/her tasks or goals in order to steer him/her off course, usually to your own benefit.

The Slurper is a creature that lives by slurping up the blood that spills on the ground as well as any bits and pieces that happen to fall into its path. It will also lure large prey by playing dead, waiting to for them to come close before making its move. It's nature suggests that it represents that of a scavenger, a person that preys on the weaknesses or careless actions of another. They trick and deceive others to survive, but are often cowardly and passive by nature. Their passive-aggressive personality makes them hard to spot and they will waste no time in betraying your trust.

The Pendulum is a strange creature, not always aggressive, but still tries to search out Heather in the dark or mist. It's intelligence makes its vice hard to pin-point, but it does have a few trademarks. Because it is smarter than some of the other creatures and since it is always seeking out Heather, it hints at the idea of calculated revenge. However, this can be best seen when fighting it. If you attack it, it will always counter attack by spinning uncontrollably at you or by stabbing you with it's many sharp edges. Also, consider its name: Pendulum. A pendulum is a device that swings between two points always in a consistant manner. And in a more abstract sense, it represents logic and precision. Calculated revenge is often a sociopathic trait that means a person is fully aware of their actions, yet purposefully sets out to commit an act against another person to cause them harm for unjust or percieved injuries on themselves. This is a very dangerous person to deal with since they will often do what will cause the most harm to others while the least to themselves, as does the Pendulum when it simultaniously attacks you and runs away by its spinning counterattack.

The Split Worm is quite disgusting and unappealing. Its guise and motions inspire a shaking in your stomach, more so than others with its mucus-like trail, slug-shaped body and distorted features on the front of its body. Being easy to defeat and avoiding from harm, it acts as more of an annoyance than a boss. This creature is too pathetic to treat as representative of a vice, so I feel like I'm going out on a limb with this one. I'd think this one represents the vice of being annoying. Take for instance people who do shocking or disgusting things to get a reaction out of them, but only cause to disturb the peace. They ultimately provoke us to strike out at them and with the Split Worm, I feel the same way. (So annoying.)

The Glutton might be what most people would consider to represent the vice of gluttony, but the Glutton has a little more to add to the story than just being gluttonous. It is simultaneously lazy, gluttonous, and blocking Heather's path. It is a conglomeration of many other vices that make this creature much more than a Glutton. Let's take another look at the children's story about the Monster and the Priestess. The Monster was a creature that so deeply suppressed the people that noone would stand up against it because they would be killed for doing so. In my mind, the Glutton represents the vice of corruption. All the things that lead to the repression of others and suppression of a clear path are embodied in the Glutton. It was only when the priestess offered herself as a martyr and brought all the people together was the Monster defeated. ("Tu fui, ego eris" means "[what] I was, you are; [what] I am, you will be.")

The Scraper is the cousin of the Missionary. It moves very quickly and can attack without warning if unprepared. However, unlike the Missionary, the Scraper is careless and noisy. It likes to walk around scraping its tools together, alerting anyone nearby of its presence. It's attacks should never be unprepared for, i.e. you can always tell when it's coming. A monster that has so much potential to cause Heather the most harm is wasted by its flighty nature and ignorance. Therefore, its vice would be closely related to wasting something important. Waste due to ignorance or from choosing not to take the higher road. Whatever the Scraper's motives are for scraping its tools together, it defeats itself by making its presence known and leaving itself vulernable to others.

Hope that satisfies you. It wasn't easy to get all that thoughtout, especially since its not my theory, but it was still fun to think through.

Lastly, if you were to use the Eros/Thantos theory on the Nurses, whose Eros would it be of: Heather's or Claudia's? Most theories suggest that the monsters are extended from Heather's or Claudia's subconscious. So, are you implying that either one might have lust for women? If you are trying to place the Eros on the player (presumably male) and that the player is projecting the monsters in front of themselves, then you are opening the door for theories that suggest the monsters are real people that Heather fights, which I know you don't like. Just be careful with that idea about Eros & Thantos; it doesn't apply to all situations.

EDIT: I was thinking about all the random trivia I've collected about Silent Hill and figured I might as well start a bit of a quiz. See if anyone is on the same page. Cookies will be given to those who can answer all the questions.

1) What is Neely's Bar's full name?

2) What was the name of the fast-food place in the South Park area?

3) What does the Golden Rooster T-shirt do, and how do you get it?

4) What is the answer to the riddle in the Chapel Library in SH3? Explain your answer. (Hint: the answer unlocks another T-shirt)

5) What was the name of the college that Walter attended?

EDIT2: Well, with filming beginning on Wednesday for the Silent Hill Movie (a.k.a. Centralia), I figured I might get you pumped up for it by highlighting some previous attempts at a live action version of the Silent Hill series.

1) Silent Hill - The Unauthorized Trailer - This is quite old and completely unauthorized by Konami, but it still really gets me excited everytime I see it. This trailer was created by Mean Time Productions when the production team was still in film school. It was created over a weekend in rural Connecticut using a rather small budget. What the production notes tell us is that this is an homage to the first three games and tries to highlight the strengths and faults of the games. The inspiration came from the part of Silent Hill 2 where the player has to jump down the holes to progress. They felt that the options should have been changed from "Yes/No" to "Hell Yeah!" (Classic.)

Requires Quicktime

2) Silent Hill University - This trailer is more recent and was created in response to the "Silent Hill - Unauthorized Trailer," claiming to be able to make a better trailer than Mean Time Productions. Well, the results are less than... less than good. I had no idea what the hell was going on in this thing and why it was so cheaply made. Maybe the author can shed some light on this.

The basic idea is [that] in the past the main character did a terrible deed which was killing a baby with a mallet (he's a a bit of a sociopath like Eddie). Once he moved to Silent Hill University and he moved into the dorm, this evil manifeasted itself. He enters his dorm to see the hellish Silent Hill and blood covered walls. Moving on to see what's goin on in his room, he spots something on his monitor and goes in for a closer look. Confused as to how the killing was recorded at all since no one was there when it happened, he sits in the chair. The video is basically the world of Silent Hill reminding him of what he did (like the tape in Silent Hill 2). Then the monster which is a manifeastation of the baby rolls out of the darkness and exacts its revenge.

Err. Right. My thoughts are, "if you need to explain your work in order to understand the most basic plot points, you might need to rethink your idea." It might have worked out better had the main character been able to ACT! (Actors are people who can express emotions not their own.) Thanks for the info, Inner-Dialogue Voice. We can all get on with our lives, and laugh at this guy in the meantime. (I found no differences between the regular and small versions. So, get the same version since the site is really slow to download. It'll save more quickly.)

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EDIT3: One more thing before I end this incredibly long post.

I remember hearing that one of the members from the Silent Hill forum lived near Brantford and was thinking about taking a trip down there to take some photographs before filming of Centralia begins. Well, he did and he's collected them all in a beautifully layed out website here. The site features images of Colbourne Street along which the movie is set to film. Some images are plain, but the captions explain a lot about Brantford and why it was chosen. I liked images 39, 41 and 44 for the humor in the caption.

It's not the first time something in my version of the game was different than someone else's. Hmmm...

Silent Hill: Satans game

I was using the opportunity to throw in a little Silent Hill joke. I thought it was pretty funny, but it must not be recognizable enough.

I think more people would get it if you put in the third part. Otherwise it's not that hot, no.

They felt that the options should have been changed from "Yes/No" to "Hell Yeah!" (Classic.)

That really is the best bit of the film.

Go Home.

Thank you.

Alright, I got a "Q" for ye Silent Hill fanatics.

Is Heather's last name Morris, or Mason?

Some say it's Mason, others say it's Morris. Which is it? I need to know.

The manual says Morris (or rather, mine does). So I would say that it's Morris...most likely Harry lived under an assumed name to stop people from finding him quite as easily.

(Or in real life terms its to create a bit of suspense and to give an "OMGWUT" experience halfway through the game ;))


this may have been mewntioned already...but...Mad world is Not at all by Gary Jules. It was PERFORMED by him and Michael andrews for the Donnie Darko soundtrack, but the original song is by Tears for fears, one of the better synthrock groups of out time...thanky very much.


Silent Hill 3 Spoilers

Alright, I got a "Q" for ye Silent Hill fanatics.

Is Heather's last name Morris, or Mason?

Some say it's Mason, others say it's Morris. Which is it? I need to know.

The name that is used in the game "Heather Morris" is an alias used by the lead to avoid being found by any more "religious fanatics." However, based on the Normal Ending and various notes found by Heather, we learn that her real name is Cheryl Mason. To avoid confusion between Cheryl from the first game and Cheryl from this game, many people will use the alias in combination with the real name, i.e. Heather Mason.

In truth, I would only use this name as a transitional name from when we learn the family connection and when Heather avengers her father. However, since Heather is Cheryl is Alessa, any name (or combination of) this person would be correct. However, in order to keep the names straight, I would suggest you simply refer to the characters by their manual names, so everyone is clear about the identities and no spoilers are given away.

Heather (17) --> Heather Morris

Cheryl (7) --> Cheryl Mason

Alessa (14) --> Alessa Gilespie

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