djpretzel Posted January 11, 2004 Posted January 11, 2004 Allo, this be Trenthian This is a submission. Submit to it!! GAR! Took a bit of doing but Im done with it. COTMM refered me to a guy (CompyFox) who helped me learn the basics of mastering a mix. I plan to employ some of the advice a bit more thoroughlyin my next mix (which will prolly be "Kid nikki, coconut assassin.") things I wanted to do with this one: -OWA- Everyone's favorite it seems, yet wholly underrepresented in the bajillion and one ff7 remixes on the site. I got bored with just OWA, the main theme needed love too! Like the monkeys! ... (actually maybe the monkey's needed a lot more than love.... like a hammer... and their heads...and bashing.) Playing around with some serious song crossing, I found inspiration to further mess around with other more musical parts of OWA. Having never done a peice with a heavy focus on the 70's Club sound, i thought I'd relive some of the good old days of the hand clap. I also wanted to mix electronica with my own brand of orchestral interpretation. (the oboe owns you.) I dont even want to think of how many OWA mixes you guys have had to listen to, and I dont really feel great about throwing another one at you, but I had fun with it. Hopefully you can enjoy it as well. here is the Gannon. (I love your forums.) Credit where it is due. (The fine people who put together the FF7 soundfont.) CompyFox for putting up with at least 80 seperate versions of this song before I felt I had it right. The OC forums for giving me something to do in between mixing sessions. and the DJP, for being a Bad Dude. Fear the Dragon. Dra- gon ----> -trenthian edit- in a more recent version, I would like to thank Compyfox for assisting me in the master of this track... he took a LOT of mud off of it... eq'd and completely owned the track on the remaster. While I was working on this I learned a LOT of mix fundementals when it comes to the production and engineering side thanks to him... Compy rocks the house he does.
Digital Coma Posted January 12, 2004 Posted January 12, 2004 OWA done right for once. I'm impressed with Trenthian's compositions, they manage genuine 'listenability' without pristine execution. There is much good stuff going on in this symph-tronic choir rock piece; keep it up. YES
Protricity Posted January 13, 2004 Posted January 13, 2004 I have no issue with the use of vocals here. Its quite creatively done. Changeups are real nice. Lots of cool drumwork and arrangement. Lots of variation. Issue I have is that most of the song is off key; Expecially the vocals in relation to the rest. Its hard to avoid when using vocals in this nature, I know. Still its a pretty big issue. Please fix the key issues and resubmit. NO EDIT: Changing my vote to a YES after careful reconsideration. It is apparent to me now (though the key issues are still very relevant) that there is really no way to pull off this kind of song with those vocals and not have any flaws. The chorus is singing in exact chords. To prevent key issues, the chords must always be matched about the vocals. This prevents Treth from doing much. He couldn't have done any of the stuff in this song for sure were he trying to keep the key. To deny the talent and creativity of this mix based on sheer lack of ability is quite ridiculous, and not really fair.
GrayLightning Posted January 13, 2004 Posted January 13, 2004 Nice mastering work by Compyfox. But I'm really borderline on this. This was a struggle to decide on. I really could have gone either way. Mixes like these are incredibly difficult to pull of. When a mix uses great choir/vocals taken from game, the question I have to ask is how reliant this arrangement is on those. To me this mix does a good job including original material under the choir. But I feel the choir is still the most dominant aspect of the mix. My other question is how would this mix sound without the ripped choir phrases? My conclusion is this mix would be a bit incomplete without those performances. Even though trenthian did a really good job mixing those up and chopping it up to fit to this. I try never to compare mixes but in this case I think it's necessary to point out Prievert's polished three years old Broken Mirror mix. Obviously the standards are much higher now. I think it's easier to create a pleasing mix *not necessarily easier on a technical level* riding on the coattails of fantastic vocal performances, especially if they carry the mix. I may be too harsh in this case. But the way I see it is, if this opinion isn't shared by the others, there's enough judges to carry this mix through with a yes. NO
Malcos Posted January 15, 2004 Posted January 15, 2004 It's almost impossible to deny that this sounds good. It is very slightly off key at times, but because of the nature of the vocals, for some reason it doesn't bother me. Yes, without the choir samples it wouldn't sound as good, but Trenthian worked with the samples very well indeed, and with Compyfox's mastering, well, YES
Vig Posted January 21, 2004 Posted January 21, 2004 Okay... this mix has some issues. the second half of the mix, in my mind, is much better than the first. what the first half is lacking is originality. while the drums are nice, what it sounds like for the first few minutes is the original with drums that dont really fit. It felt akward. There were occasional countermelodies, but ultimately it felt empty, and i'll repeat, the drums do NOT mix with the choir without anything else. i think this segment could have used strings to fill in the space. the second half is better, but i think that the second half should have been used as the first half, and it should have developed from there. NO, because the first half relies too much on the original. and the second half has a fair amount of clipping, too.
analoq Posted January 24, 2004 Posted January 24, 2004 like with trenthian's other submission, there are parts of this mix that are weak/cheap sounding and other parts that sound tight and full. i think the mix relies too much on the choir samples. the electronica elements of this mix are very weak and under-developed. however, everything else is quite nice. the gestalt view prevails again. passable. yes
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