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*NO* Super Mario World 'Big Boo's House of DnB'

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this mix doesnt do very much more than the original, other than add drums and a bass part that doesnt fit harmonically with the original. the bassline never changes; it's two notes, and 50% of them are off. plus when the original changes keys, the bass doesnt. this is a straight up re recording with superimposed drums and bass, and they dont fit together.



Vig is right here. Its a shame, I liked the dnb, and this mix had promise.

However, the song simply fell into a chasm of endless repeating, floody bass, and complete lack of respect for melodic theory.

And the vincent price michael jackson thing at the end was a BIG



Vig and prot pretty much summed up my thoughts here. I thought the mix was fairly cluttered as well. Which is a shame, since the ideas and concepts here are pretty cool. I like the sound effects usage as well. Needs more work overall to make the mix less repetitive.

I also agree the ending is a little out there. I hope to hear more from you in the near future. Please work on more melodic sections next time.



i like the mix, i think it's a good attempt at dnb. i even dig the way the bass notes create tension against the melody. but the repeating is just a bit too much, and the variation on the original is too little. find more variations, repeat less, and resubmit?


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