djpretzel Posted January 25, 2004 Posted January 25, 2004 Hey, long time no submit! This is abg, I've only submitted one remix to overclocked before, and was glad that it was so well recieved. Thanks for giving it the "recommended" I have learned from past mistakes too and this remix isn't in mono sound I remixed Ada Wong's theme from Resident Evil 2. I'm not sure what the original song is called, but I think its just "Ada's Theme". My remix of it is titled "Ada's Groove". Its only like a 30 second long, so remixing it was kind of a challenge. This time I went with a most solid drumnbass feel, as opposed to my previous submission, that Lavos Battle mix. You can download the remix here: I hope it gets in =)
Protricity Posted February 3, 2004 Posted February 3, 2004 Real nice. Some excellent dnb goin on here. Good use of bass, synth, lead. Great MAKE IT LONGER NEXT TIME YES
Israfel Posted February 5, 2004 Posted February 5, 2004 Nice stuff- doesn't blow my mind or anything, but fairly enjoyable. Horribly underdeveloped though. You have several ideas which are briefly used and then never expanded on again- if you want the piece to be this short you either need to cut the number of musical ideas that you have in play (you would definitely need to cut the cool section at 2:13 in order to justify the length- the addition of new material that late in the mix just makes the piece feel too short and incomplete) or further develop the music that you have. Form is not a minor issue though, and when done poorly it gives the piece a very unsatisfying feel. This is a good start, but I don't think you should call this one complete yet. NO
Vig Posted February 7, 2004 Posted February 7, 2004 i agree with both of you. israfel makes some very good points this is too short, and too underdeveloped. it sounds really cool, but it sounds like it needs more time to fully realize its cool potential. i dont necessarily think that the ideas are underdeveloped, or that it the ideas jump to early, i just think the entire thing doesnt ascend enough dynamically. the ideas that are here are fine. one other problem i have here is the clipping. I am pissed off about the problems israfel mentioned. the piece is devoid of form. however, what's here is an incredibly pleasant, if unsatisfying tidbit. I say YES
GrayLightning Posted February 9, 2004 Posted February 9, 2004 This one's borderline. I've been listening to this one a lot in the last few weeks and at the end I will say this needs more work. The intro is great. I love the ambience of this, the pad work, production values are very nice. The phased sweep sounds are a nice touch. There's some light clipping, like around 30 seconds with the piano hits and later on. Not a major or really distracting thing in this mix, but it might be worth a mention. I'm very close to giving this a yes, but this is just too underdeveloped. I think it needs more work on the concept as israfel said and also instrumentation, layering and expansion. While I don't think lengths of mixes matter, for this kind of mix, I would love another half a minute or to a minute or so expansion. It would allow the listener to soak up even more of the atmosphere. NO
Digital Coma Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 LOUD Listening to the original on this one was very helpful, as I discovered there's not much to it at all in the typical RE fashion; flute tremolo, repeating piano chords, wind and rain noise: it's basically an ambient interlude. There was not much melodically or structurally for abg to develop. But that's never an excuse for a lack of rearrangement. What counts as new material - not the pads - are the synths, which replace the piano and play against the drawn-out lead, and of course the DnB, which introduces movement. I think the ideas expressed in this short span are sufficient to qualify as rearrangement of THIS source material, if not any other, and is enjoyable enough anyway. YES
DarkeSword Posted February 20, 2004 Posted February 20, 2004 Oooh, rather sweet. Great texture you've got here; I really like your sounds. Like Coma mentioned, the synth that replaces the piano really works well as the continuo line through this mix. Effects are used quite well, and the levels are just right. ... Damn! It ended! I really wish this was longer. The pads come in and it sounds like you're going to do some kind of wicked breakdown in the percussion, but it just ends. Aw man. I really like what you have, but I'm gonna say NO along with a desparate plea for a longer version and resubmission. What you have here is a really awesome start, but you've gotta develop this more. PLEASE
Disco Dan Posted February 21, 2004 Posted February 21, 2004 I hate to be the one to break this lovely stalemate trend, but I suppose someone had to be number 7 here. I'm gonna say: YES And here's why: Don't always look for variation in the notes. The quality is high, yes. The percussion is great, yes. The variation on the music is not so great, yes (no?). But the variation on the percussion IS good. And, consideiring what we have from the original, I wouldn't expect THAT much more variation. I personally find both to be annoying because I don't much care for the tune, BUT, that aside, I think he did ok with what he was given here. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Sorry for all the yesses. I'll try to be more crotchety next batch. D
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