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Although it was years ago now, last time I heard about the warcraft movie they said it was going to focus on the humans/alliance or something a long those lines.

Although there stands to be a really good chance that that is no longer valid either way.


To be frank I never played WC3, I only played WC2 before getting into WoW years later. So everything I read about the lore/storyline since WC2 might be either part of WC3 or between WC3 and WoW. WoWwiki is the place to go if you wanna learn more about the lore and history since the 3rd game.

Only the cinematic of WotLK really shows wtf's gonna happen content-wise and it's only some sort of prologue to Northrend. The trailer for "vanilla" just showed different races/classes and them fighting between factions. TBC showed Illidan, who will eventually get his butt kicked, and the two new races added to the Alliance and Horde factions. More fights in generic landscapes, still doesn't show much from the game. If you judge WoW only by its trailers, then yes you can expect it to be nothing like the RTS games and more some mindless running around Azeroth as a cartoon version of a race.


Yeah, and that whole line with Varian Wrynn? Yeah. I really, really wish some of that comic stuff wasn't canon.

But it is. Nothing can be done about it. I really, really hope the movie isn't about Varian, though. Thrall: The Movie, on the other hand, would be a pretty damn good flick. I'd watch it.


I hope 7eleven will have warcraft slurpee cups :3

As for Sam Raimi I'm a little sad. Im not a huge fan of his. They could have gotten someone better IMO... but not Peter Jackson. He makes too many pointless scenes

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