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Looking for a Musician for a small students project (game will be shown on this years gamescom!)

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My name is Thomas and I know it's rude to introduce myself with a request.

Sorry for that but I'm in kind of a hurry. I'm a huge OCR Fan and visit this site

for years now. I'm optimistic someone here might heed my call. =)

I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this sort of things.

I study Gamedesign in Munich, Germany and we're currently in our 2nd

semester project phase which means we have to apply what we've learned

so far and develop our own little game from scratch.

Coding and graphics are no problem. What we don't have yet is ... sound.

The time we got for our projects is one month, deadline is August 14th.

The game I'm working on has the working title "R(T)PS". That stands for

Real-Time-Strategy or Rock-Paper-Scissors. I can asure you this is not some

half-a$$ed wannabe project. The concept behind it is very well designed and

my team is working hard on it every day. All projects are developed in Flash

(3D-Games in later semesters). Also this game WILL be shown on this years

gamescom event in Cologne, Germany. Our school will have a small booth there.

If you're interested please drop me a pm and I'll send you further details. The game

will have a somewhat melancholic mood (think twilight realm from Twilight Princess).

Since our schedule is tight I can't expect a musical masterpeace. But some cool

and original sound effects (clicks, unit responses etc.) would definately be neat.

We don't want to have to rely on free online recources or making sounds with our

headsets. >_< The image below is a screenshot of the game's current status.


If there are any questions don't hesitate to ask.


edit: *copied from bellow*

There's a title screen, a menu screen, varius subscreens (HowTo, Credits etc.)

and of course the game itself which is split into two parts - a round based risk like

metagame and the individual real time matches.

One song for the title/menus and one for the game part (maybe two variations acording

to the current game mode) would be awesome. Anything beyond would be TOTALLY

awesome but I file that under "nice to have". =)

Also, as I mentioned before, we (students) only have one month for development which

started last monday (July 20th) so naturally there can't be a demo yet.

I'll try to sum up the setting:

This game's universe is completely 2-dimensional. It's

source of life force is light ("Lumen" called ingame) that shines down from a third

dimension (like a lamp shining on a sheet of paper). When this light get's weaker

(won't tell you why ; ) the light in this universe fractures into three different forms:

Red, Green and Blue. These new beings eventually devellop self awareness or at

least insticts. For a time all was fine. But the light/source of Lumen got weaker

over time. Without Lumen they die. To prevent this they hunt down the other

fractions to "canibalize" them for their Lumen (life time) and to drain the few

remaining spots in the universe where there's still light.

Each fraction has the same kinds of units:Rocks, Papers, Scissors (see screenshot

above). Upon death they leave nothing behind but a mere shadow. Although not

lethal these shadows drain the remaining life time of a weaker unit if they come in

contact. For example a "living" Scissors touches a dead Rock.

If shadows of each of the different units overlap they combine and "eat" the world

around them, thus expanding the rifts which can be seen already.

It's the story of a dying world and its desperate habitants who try to live just a little

longer, even at the cost of their former fellows.

Tomorrow I'll post a complete list of all sound effects needed.

- T.


Wow, didn't expect a reply this fast. Nice! =)

Well, there's a title screen, a menu screen, varius subscreens (HowTo, Credits etc.)

and of course the game itself which is split into two parts - a round based risk like

metagame and the individual real time matches.

One song for the title/menus and one for the game part (maybe two variations acording

to the current game mode) would be awesome. Anything beyond would be TOTALLY

awesome but I file that under "nice to have". =)

- T.


Well, if you need music quickly we (Rozo & I, and whoever else wants to write something for this) could share musical jobs.

Obviously the in-game music would be great but writing title music wouldn't be bad, either. I'll just write something that can fit both criteria :P.

What kind of game will it be? Is that picture from the game (thus the game is in a more abstract style)?


Thanks for the quick responses and PMs. I'll look over and respond to them

tomorrow (it's 1:13am here). The initial post is updated with further details.

- T.


Yes, that picture is from the actual game showing all three units, fractions

and the world/universe they live in.


Hi there,

here's acomplete list of music and sound effects needed for the game.

The ones without (!) have a low priority.



Title Screen (!)

Menu Screen and all Sub Menus (!)

Risk mode (!)

RTS mode (!)

Ambient Sounds like Wind, a distant howl


Game Over


Menu and Risk mode

Button click (!)

Select own zone

Select enemy zone to attack

Engage battle

Win Zone

Lose Zone

AI Win

AI Lose

RTS mode

Minimap slide in and out

Tick for recource income (!)

Siege - three stages

Create rift

Win match (!)

Lose match (!)

Unit Responses - rather cute sounding (think Elektro Plankton for orientation)

Birth/Spawn (!)

Select unit (!) - Eyes "wake up"

Deselect unit

Move order (!)

Attack order - Eyes flash briefly

Receiving damage/losing life time - Eyes indicate pain

Death (!) - Eyes grow till the entire body is darkend, than it shriks down into a mere shadow

Falling into a rift - just vanishes into the light

Replenishing life time (after eating) (!) - Eyes shrink and shake for a brief moment

Gaining sector control

Losing sector control

Main building

Unit spawn



Thanks for all the responses so far!

- T.

edit: Added descriptions for unit response animations.

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