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*NO* Chrono Trigger 'Overzealous Drop'


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Hey, OC Remix!

My apologies for submitting yet another Chrono Trigger remix...like you guys don't have enough of those already. But I thought it was worth a shot. Here's the mp3. If you guys like it, I can get you a better quality version, but a decent-sounding .mp3 was well over 192kbps and larger than 6mb--and because I read your submission criteria, I knew that was a no-no. (This is why I use .ogg when compressing...)

Anyway, hope you enjoy the remix.


Natalie A. Vowell




http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Corridors of Time" (ct-304.spc)

I'm lovin' the concept, you're just not giving me enough Zeal theme by a long shot. Stopwatch:

1:07.5-1:11.5, 1:13-1:17, 1:18.75-1:23, 1:24.5-1:26, 1:27.5-1:32, 1:53.5-1:57.5, 2:10-2:14, 2:16-2:20, 2:22-2:26, 3:01-3:05, 3:06.5-3:10, 3:12.25-3:22, 3:23.5-3:33.5, 3:35-3:45, 3:46.5-3:57, 3:57.75-4:07.5, 4:09.75-4:14, 4:26-4:34, 4:37.75-4:47

If I added that right, that's about 113.25 of a 292.5-second-long piece or about 38.72% of the track. You need to hook that up over 50% so that the source tune usage is dominant within the arrangement. I like the original writing, BTW. And I hear how you're ultra-simplifying the source down to some scant chords (e.g. the intro), but none of that works on its own as overt usage of the source tune, IMO.

If you're willing to add more overt source usage, this could be game, but if you're happy the way this is, that's perfectly cool and there's no hate on the track from me. It's just too liberal a treatment of the source tune for me to pass it. Hope we hear more from you, Natalie!

NO (resubmit)

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It's an enjoyable piece, for sure, but the level of repetition started to bug me towards the end. Although there are small change-ups in the backing parts, the lead synth feels like it's playing the same way every time. And texturally, I wanted to see a little more variation, maybe even just one section that did something really different.

On top of this, my breakdown is the same at Larry's except I included the gaps between measures. This puts you at 41.6% which is still under what I would call dominant source usage. Sorry, Natalie. If you're willing to resubmit this to include more source and vary it up a little, I could see it passing. It's a very strong base.

NO (resubmit)

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i'm definitely digging the track- cool synths, a chilled out groove, and some great atmosphere, but I'm definitely not hearing enough source.

The first minute actually reminded me more of the Bubbleman theme from Mega Man 2 over anything in Chrono trigger, though thinking on that, it'd be an interesting and cool combination.

Your sounds and production are definitely over the bar here, IMO, it's just the arrangement needs some more source. You've got a nice sparse soundfield with a lot of great spacing, so if you were so inclined, you could definitely pack some additional source in there without ruining the feel.

no, please resub

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