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*NO* Terranigma & Chrono Cross 'Global Control endblink'

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yeah, this is another one of those mixes that made me feel like i have ADD... because i was so easily distracted from paying attention to it. i like the phaser bass.. but everything else sounds pretty weak, especially the drums. it repeats and repeats.. not ocr material unless the mix comes with crayons and something to draw on to keep the listener from being rowdy.



Terranigma and Chrono Chrono...together at last?

As the others have said, this is a really darn repetitve mix that follows a fairly predictable additive form.

I can only assume you were going for a sort of minimalist or new age type sound- ala Tubular Bells or Piano Phase- with the repeating piano pattern - but in those cases the repeating patterns are constantly evolving, there's always a sense of change. With this mix however everything feels so static, I hear a few variations here and there, but it's not enough to change the overwhelming sense of repetitiveness.

Not bad or anything, but I don't think I can pass this



This has to be one of the most repetitive mixes I've heard. It just drifts without any real point for a long time. There's a difference between repeating something with an aim and just repeating something without noticeable variation.

For a trance mix the drums are really understated. Which is fine by me, but at least change it up a bit. The other judges are pretty spot on on this one, so there's not much more for me to say.

The Another World section is the strength of this mix. I like the synth choices here. It sounds like updated 8bit game music.

I actually enjoy this on many levels. Nice piano and bass lines, pretty cool synth and nice effects. Like the ending parts too with the choirish pads, but the tremolo panned bit at the end is a bit jarring. There isn't too much here on a compositional and production level that makes it stand out.

Nice work. I'll be keeping this, but I don't think this is quite there for posting.


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