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It's TO again. I realise most of my past pieces haven't been outstanding. I think I've broken that drought with this one. I don't want to spoil any of it. I just want to mention it has pretty heavy bass, and alot of variety. I've tried to make everything fit as well as I could without overusing anything. The original piece is from map30 in Doom 2. (It sounds best if you listen to it with sound and sub up loud.)

Game: Doom 2

Song Name: Map30 Hells Marshal

Remixer Name: TO

Original Song Name: Opening to Hell

Email: the_orichalcon@hotmail.com

Site Address: http://www.orichalcon.co.nr

The song is hosted on geocities and there is a link on my page, so there's a chance it will be down, please try again in an hour if that happens. if the link doesn't work there is a link on my site.

I hope you like it as much as I do.

Stay Well,



ah, the last level of doom 2. that creepy whole-tone motif really set the mood...

this mix starts out with that whole-tone mood, then becomes a blur of ugly, mechanically sequenced sounds with a weak drum beat. and there's even a john romero cameo! i like the slowdown at the end, that's cool. but overall, there's not much here.



this song starts out cool, but it fails to build up as much as it should. the ideas are cool, but they arent complete. aside from that, it never really changes. it's just the same thing over and over again. i was interested at the beginning, but there was nothing to keep me interested.



Indeed, cool spooky ideas.

Pitchbend sines got annoying. Could have been better.

The piano is really bland.

Ack, those annoying sines are back :(

4th note on the sine progression should go down a full step.

Song didn't build up into much. Just kinda went away real fast.

Ack, those sines are back at 2:19. They're chasing me around.

Interesting ideas. Pretty spooky, but needs more in the way of musical ability. Change it up a bit more.



Pretty cool mix. I like the piano sections, I think it works for this mix. I find the main problem in this mix for me is it just feels repetitive, there is nothing that stands out too much in the middle sections. Great intro and ending, now build on that. The ending concept is interesting. There's some clicks and pops around :53 and 1:43. Not too big a problem, but it might be something to look into if you decide to work on this again. A lot of great concepts here, but it needs more polishing.


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