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Hi. My name is Scott and I am 13. I am very interested in composing a remix here at OCRemix, and I am actually very good at composing / playing several instruments. I was thinking of making a remix of one of the songs from Nintendo 64's "Blast Corps", but that is just an idea. If you know of a better song to remix, I'll be happy to take part in that too. If anyone is interested in helping me make it / wants me to help them, send me a message, and I'd love to do a collaboration:-P.

Posted on wrong forum... Whoops. :oops:

Posted on wrong forum... Whoops. :oops:

Hi, Dudemanscott! It's a scary coincidence that you and I are one of the only few on this site that are thirteen... wow I finally have someone my own age! I can collab if you want, I've got some nice arrangement skills too.

Kinda busy with my own remix, but if you need some help or are just bored of writer's block, send me a PM and we can whip something up.

Of course, I SERIOUSLY lack production skills, so I'll have to rely on you for that..

Thanks for the interest lol. I'm either looking for a rock remix or even a classical - sounding remix. I really can compose / remix quite a variety of styles (probably all except jazz lol) so the question is, what style are YOU going for?

Once again, I moved this post, so look here to see the new post.

See ya!

Yeah... I posted that on the first thread I made, which was on the wrong forum...

neblixsaber - what do you mean about lacking production skills?


jabond and epitaph... if this rock remix ever takes off, i could use you guys to play guitar...

I was thinking maybe just maybe we could all make a big remix like me and neblixsaber could compose the remix and me and jabond and epitaph could play it.

idk... just in idea! lemme know what you think

Sounds alright to me. My production skills are pretty decent now. They weren't a year ago, but now i do well. Whatever you've got in store, let me know.

Okay... So what song are you guys thinking about?

I have an idea if no one else does... But let me hear yours first... :-P


To be honest, your probably a little more familiar with the music from the game than i am. its been a while since i busted out the ol' N64. Pick a song you'd think would sound good as a rock style remix and i'll take a look too.

To be honest, your probably a little more familiar with the music from the game than i am. its been a while since i busted out the ol' N64. Pick a song you'd think would sound good as a rock style remix and i'll take a look too.

doesnt have to be from blast corps either


Wow a four man collaboration?

Dang I'm honored!

well not really four man... 2 boy 2 man is more like it.

I was thinking we could do a rock remix of Star Fox Boss B theme.

I'm working on it in my head as we speak.

If we all can use Instant messenger I'd like to speak out about it in a chatroom of some sort.

As for roles: Dudemanscott can handle the sequencing and effects since I'm not much more than dumb in that field, I could handle writing the parts (in terms of where everything goes) and Jabond and Epitaph could handle guitars.

that is of course if Jabond and Epitaph are willing to help, I'll get started on a WIP right away to show you guys what I have in mind.

Dudemanscott if you're a bit unclear about what I said you should do than what I meant was when all the guitar tracks were recorded, you could handle putting the low quality WIP of mine into better sounds and handle the audio production aspect of the WIP. However, we can all contribute to another role so we don't really have to follow what I said above.

Is it 5/4? I can't really tell, but i think that would turn out pretty damn nice. I've never wrote a song in anything other 4/4. I'm still game for this mix.

You wanna know how boss theme + 5/4 always = Epic?

Look at Ridley's theme. xD

If it helps you can often classify 5/4 as a combination of 2/4 and 3/4 (which are both pretty common) when writing the parts.

FL lets me customize the time signature and it automatically changes the guiding grid lines, based on what I set in. (So I can technically write something in 54/61 and FL will let me do that xD) So I've got nothing to worry about, I'm pretty good with keeping a steady rhythm and the magic of grid lines in FL WILL MOST DEFINITELY keep it steady. xD Thanks for the tip though, I'll keep that in mind if I end up using sheet music for some odd reason (like we're all thrust back in time because of some generic time paradox logic found in almost every dimensional universe rift story.)

(So I can technically write something in 54/61 and FL will let me do that xD)

54/61 doesn't exist - the denominator must be numbered in powers of two. Just take my word for it :wink:.

As for the suggestion, it's more to help keep the flow of the music rather than a simple label. Write the parts with that in mind and it'll flow better than if you simply 'wing it'. Good luck with it, like I said before :).

54/61 doesn't exist - the denominator must be numbered in powers of two. Just take my word for it :wink:.

As for the suggestion, it's more to help keep the flow of the music rather than a simple label. Write the parts with that in mind and it'll flow better than if you simply 'wing it'. Good luck with it, like I said before :).

Oh I assure you... I never just wing it. Hehehe... *evil cackle* :tomatoface::tomatoface:





Instead of Boss B star fox theme LET'S DO RIDLEY'S THEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nope, it's the same old

5/4 Bum Bum BumBum

Simple source. Making it rock will open up lots of doors.

(Solos, adding rhythm guitar, techno/rock drums) When we're done, we'll submit as a Metroid Prime Remix if that's okay (cuz Shariq's up there hoggin all the glory of being the only one to remix Metroid Prime Music. xDDDDDDDDD Of course I mean that as no offense)

On second thought:

I'll handle the audio stuff, Dudemanscott should be the lead composer... mostly because I honestly don't know where to take this song. xD

I do have a WIP up right now, I'll send the file over to Dumasc (Dudemanscott) along with the soundfonts I used.


We're calling it "CHARGIN MAH LAZER!" inspired by the fact that both Samus and Ridley shoot rays of fire and charges them beforehand.

I put FL Slayer just so you can get an idea of where I want the electric guitar stuff.

I guess I'm the... composer's advisor.

With which comes the following information for Dumasc (Dudemanscott):

Song is in D-key

Not entirely rock, more like a blend of dark trance and metal.


Wow... this is really taking off...

Ok, so really what we are gonna do is...

Me and Neblixsaber are gonna handle the composing...right?

Ok, and after we got that done, Gario and Jabond is gonna handle some of the guitar parts.

I have the MP3 of this song if anyone needs it...

Neblixsaber - Here's the deal. I don't have FL, but I do have Finale, so if you want it so I compose some of it on finale, send it over to you, and you put it up on FL so it sounds better, that would be good... I was also thinkin of downloading FL from PirateBay, but I have a really slow connection to the internet...

BUT i'm all game for this, it sounds like its gona be fun!

PS - Please don't call me DuMaSc... lol if you want you can just call me Scott...

Oh and let's just call this song "Chargin' My Lazer"... CHARGIN MAH LAZER!! sounds kind of... over the top lol

I don''t know if we need anymore people, but if we need someone for bass or guitar, you'll be it. :)


Gario's not part of the collab, Epitaph is.

We don't really have any positions open for Gario. xDDD

And... don't get FL from PirateBay. You and I are both too young to be involved in such illegal practices. You've got a whole life ahead of you, don't put it risk just yet.

Just give me MIDI versions of your Finale files.

It's a newbie megacollab (or so Epitaph) so OF COURSE it'll be fun!!!

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