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Ridley's Theme- Chargin' My Lazer! (do not critique, thread is for collab members to discuss)

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What's also different is that FL can't change time signatures every measure.

And... I pretty much think it's unnecessary, to be honest. It's more like overdoing it and also "making my life harder".

The time signature changes are really behind the scenes and you don't really much notice them, and I also think it's inconsistent to go from

5/4 to 4/4 to 5/4 to 4/4 to 9/8 to 5/4 to 4/4

all in twenty measures.

So if you could please limit the time sig changes to two time sigs within the whole song (A great idea would be 5/4 for the intro 4/4 for the solos and 5/4 for rest of the song)

What's more is the ends up hard on the listener, say he wants to tap to the rhtyhm, in twenty measures he finds himself continuously having to change his tapping rhythm.

It seems you're thinking about more of a complicated composition and lacking thought about your audience, which could be a pretty fatal mistake which the judges. (if you really want to keep the time sig changes, don't mention to the judges about the time sig changes in the submission. Maybe they won't notice.)

I'm going to be busy for the next few days, so I sent the file over to Neblix to work on.

Don't worry, I'm not dropping out of the collab! :tomatoface:

I'm not working on it until you finish it.

That way we won't have to tediously export as MIDI's and send to each other to use with different instruments and programs on both ends.

Finish the arrangement (a beginning a middle and ending). After that, your job will be to just let me, Jabond, and Epitaph handle it from there. I'll manage the live recording stuff from them and when all the guitar tracks are recorded I'll piece it together onto your arrangement and I'll handle all the mastering and other instrumentation.

I'm not working on it until you finish it.

That way we won't have to tediously export as MIDI's and send to each other to use with different instruments and programs on both ends.

Finish the arrangement (a beginning a middle and ending). After that, your job will be to just let me, Jabond, and Epitaph handle it from there. I'll manage the live recording stuff from them and when all the guitar tracks are recorded I'll piece it together onto your arrangement and I'll handle all the mastering and other instrumentation.

I'm very busy this time of summer, so I'll try to work on it whenever I can, but it may take awhile...


I'm very busy this time of summer, so I'll try to work on it whenever I can, but it may take awhile...


Collab's aren't usually finished in a week or so.

They take a while.

And when you're done, we'll have to wait another few months for Epitaph and Jabond to record the guitars.

In other words:



Hey guys. Sorry i haven't been posting the past few days, but my damn cable company turned off the wrong apartments cable! Anyways, i'm okay with it taking a little while to get this WIP done. I've been writing electronic music for a video game recently anyways.

Yeah but you still need time to practice the song, and who knows when you'll find time to practice.

Yeah, the soloing is probably gonna be harder than the rhythm sections for guitar. It'll take me a few days to really it down for the whole track.


0_0 I have much to learn about being Epic Guitar Player.

Come to think of it, I still have everything to learn about Guitar.

Yeah, i usually spend a good 3 or so hours a day working on and writing music. Which is probably why i have so many damn songs rendered down that i lose count. Anyways, it shouldn't really all that complicated to lay down the rhythm guitars.


Guitar classes don't mean jack squat if you don't hardcore practice; I've never taken a class in my life. I just taught myself by playing tabs, scales, and video game music from the internet. I used to go for 6 hours a day, but I'm a little more casual now (2-4 hours?)

I'm trying to nail

baby by the end of the week.

EDIT: I should get on

sometime soon too. It would sound waaaaay better on a 7 string guitar though :\
Guitar classes don't mean jack squat if you don't hardcore practice; I've never taken a class in my life. I just taught myself by playing tabs, scales, and video game music from the internet. I used to go for 6 hours a day, but I'm a little more casual now (2-4 hours?)

I'm trying to nail

baby by the end of the week.

EDIT: I should get on

sometime soon too. It would sound waaaaay better on a 7 string guitar though :\

Yeah well I'm not allowed to get a guitar until I know how to play it. :/


Wait... you can't have something until you master it? But you can't master it unless you have it to practice... but you can't practice on it unless you have it... and you can't have it because you're not good at it? Lame.

(sorry to post... I know collabs only :razz:)

Wait... you can't have something until you master it? But you can't master it unless you have it to practice... but you can't practice on it unless you have it... and you can't have it because you're not good at it? Lame.

(sorry to post... I know collabs only :razz:)

Posts aren't looked down upon.

CRITIQUES are looked down upon. Unless it's something urgent and crucial that we seem to be ignoring.

This collab isn't gonna move for a while No pressure on Scott but we can't move until he does.


Well I don't have to master it... just know enough so that if I had one at home, it would look like I knew what I was doing. At school they have electric guitars to let you practice with one for each student, but they didn't give me the class.

First it was Building a PC elective in 8 th grade... now it's Electric Guitars 9th grade.

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