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small update: for anyone that's actually interested, please come by the IRC channel ( #magfest on irc.vgmix.com, best during the day ), AIM at MrMagfest (best at night) or email MrMagfest ( contact info on magfest.org )

If you can't get in touch with him, you can also contact me on the ocr channel or on aim and i will pass it along.

  • 1 month later...


anyone that is interested in participating i need you to send me an email at rsteele578@gmail.com or talk to me on aim at rsteele578 or talk to me on #ocremix as robsteele and give me some sort of statement to the effect of 'yes i am 100% interested in competing in iron chef at magfest 8' so i can start finalizing plans.

it's not going to happen without contestants!


it is zucchini apple bread

that is why there is a zucchini and and apples in the picture

i'm so in like flynn. i'd rather have monobrow on my team than against her, i've seen her cooking talents in action. sadly i'm not sure if there will be any baking since that requires an oven.


Well, the time is finally upon us for decisions to be made.

Anyone that wants to compete and has not already talked to me, i need your 100% final commitment to being a part of magfest iron chef by thanksgiving at the very latest.

Also, if there is a specific food that you are allergic to, and that would cause you to die if you had to prepare it, that would certainly be useful information.

email: rsteele578@gmail.com

aim: rsteele578

irc: #ocremix on etg or #magfest on irc.vgmix.com

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