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*NO* Chrono Trigger 'In Memoriam Passus'


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This song gets really floody with the mass delay around 1:00 - 2:30. Really kills the song. Ease off on that delay.

There are change ups in this song that are quite interesting, but more or less, this is the original with something like 5 repeats and mass delay.

3:40 could be very cool, but again the excessive delay kills everything. Lots of clashing notes.

Clipping towards the end. Watch that volume.

Good ideas, but too many messy effects and overlaping themes. Work out the mess.


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Gee- it sounds like you applied a delay effect to every single track- percussion, melody, everything. As the others mentioned, this creates a sort of undefined, amorphous quality- perhaps some may find this atmospheric, or "dreamish", but it just seems a little sloppy here.

Most of the mix stays pretty close to the original although things do pick up during the last two minutes or so.

It's not a bad track or anything, but nothing standout. The overall mediocrity combined with an excessive use of delay warrants a "no" unfortunately.


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Wow lay off the delay. It's on everything. You don't have to delay everything.

This gets pretty ugly at 1:56. The delay is causing things to fill up and clip. The arrangement is pretty uninteresting too; things are basically just repeating a lot. That section at 3:40 comes two minutes too late.

All your sounds are really nice, but you've gone overboard on the delay. Everything sounds messy.


edit: whoops, guess israfel and i voted at the same time.

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