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Anyone know WHICH Donkey Kong this from? -djp

Hello. I discovered your site a few days ago. This is just the sort of thing i was looking for. No longer will i have to do searches for videogame remixes and orchestrations!

I have been an on an off hobbyist composer for a short whike, and have not much experience in the remixing area... but i have two pieces that you might put up if you like.

The first was an arrangement of the Donkey Kong MineCart chase that I liked.

if you graciously decide to put any of my stuff on your website, my dj name is spicyWalnut. I have been dabbling in classical composition for a while, but have recently been trying to make my style more ecclectic.

Have a good evening



Not bad for a first effort, but this sounds a little too straight-forward and simple.

the strings dont have fast enough attack for the part, and they sometimes sound muddy.

the dynamics dont change, and the samples could use an upgrade.



All I can suggest is that this is a remix of MineCart Carnage from DKC1. However, I can only say that I recognize this song as using a few of the same chords from the intro of that song and otherwise this song is completely original.

If it is not that song, then it is not from DKC1,2, or 3 as I know those sts by heart. I would then suggest donkeykong 64 or some other dumbass dkc spin off and NOT donkey kong country.


This definitely ain't from the DKC games. I recognize these samples from my brother's copy of DK64... ugh. Sounds like a rip or at least an arrangement using in-game samples with no creative liberties taken.

Someone can find the original to verify, but I'm gonna give this a NO now anyway.


I don't know if I'd call it a midi rip, but it is a bit too similar to pass. The recording also has a sort of muffled, distant quality to it.

Fans looking for a "sound upgrade" type of arrangement should enjoy this one though.


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