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*NO* Final Fantasy 7 'Pheonix Down? Party Up!'


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Hi! This is a rap remix of the FF prelude, with vocals that relate to VII. Its a small fun thing that has gotten a lot of positive reviews.

I'm sorry that i have to give you the VG link. Right now, that is the most reliable way for me to host the song. Enjoy!

Title: Pheonix Down? Party Up!

Artist: Mythril Nazgul

Gerne: Rap

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Well, we haven't judged a Prelude mix in a long time and this one's at least different. The plagiarized 'Under Pressure' bassline makes for a good beat, but I can't see how this holds together as a FF arrangement with just cheezy, mediocre rapping over the boring prelude. Mixing is bad, lyrics are slapdash... somehow I don't think this was expected to pass. Sorta fun, I guess.


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Wow. Whiteboy.

Very whiteboy.


Pretty unoriginal. Not much arrangement going on in terms of the Prelude theme. You've got that bassline Vanilla Ice ripped off that other song, and the percussion's weak and boring.

Lyrics are also VERY corny, and performed pretty badly. The voice just doesn't sound very much like a hip-hop voice should.

I'm gonna say NO.

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