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Okay, never mind what happened to the first three, but if you must know check out my youtube channel: Constromlie

Anyway, I'm just trying to make this... like, I dunno, nice, I guess. Trance is nice, right?? Maybe this doesn't really qualify as "trance", but what would I know? I listen to metal most of the time =P

Meh, take a listen if you wish, and I will probably be doing more to the drums and the end section than anything else from this point. :)

MP3 Heerr


Edit: This will probably end up being darker than I had originally intended, just to be original. :) Most likely Nine Inch Nails Style :D


It's about time anther Ice Cap Zone remix appeared, haha.

And there's the big problem.. whenever you take a really heavily remixed source tune, the question becomes "What have you done differently?" There are already a few trance-y remixes of this song on the site (McVaffe and Rayza's versions come to mind).

Those string-like things playing chords in the beginning sound a little .. well, not muddy, but it changes notes/chords and kind of sounds sloppy when doing so? Holistically, the piece sort of appears.. then disappears. You have some work going on with the drums that I was enjoying, and some of the individual instruments are neat, but for anyone who has heard this theme, there isn't much new. Bass kick could be less acoustic and stronger/bassier. (Lol, well, maybe that's just personal preference - I do love me a good bass kick).

Like dr. nick said on the simpsons.. be creative! looking forward to your changes/new ending section/drumwork.

It's about time anther Ice Cap Zone remix appeared, haha.

And there's the big problem.. whenever you take a really heavily remixed source tune, the question becomes "What have you done differently?" There are already a few trance-y remixes of this song on the site (McVaffe and Rayza's versions come to mind).

Those string-like things playing chords in the beginning sound a little .. well, not muddy, but it changes notes/chords and kind of sounds sloppy when doing so? Holistically, the piece sort of appears.. then disappears. You have some work going on with the drums that I was enjoying, and some of the individual instruments are neat, but for anyone who has heard this theme, there isn't much new. Bass kick could be less acoustic and stronger/bassier. (Lol, well, maybe that's just personal preference - I do love me a good bass kick).

Like dr. nick said on the simpsons.. be creative! looking forward to your changes/new ending section/drumwork.

Okay, wow. I knew there were plenty of trancy remixes out there already, and that's why I am actually unsure about this. BUT I am wondering if I somehow took this in a "darker" direction, how would that be? I noticed a trend in Ice Cap remixes is that they all sound either "nice" or "upbeat" in some way. Maybe if I somehow made it "dark" (industrial??), I could definitely be different. It's just too bad my style is almost always upbeat/nice.

As for the string-like instruments... I thought it sounded rather nice that way, but... meh, maybe I'll see about completely re-working that track.

As for the kick, it's actually an acoustic and a synth kick put together (I had to be creative SOMEHOW). I do like me a good kick myself, but with what I have in my remix I was actually trying to mimic the source material's kick. =O I know matching the source is usually NOT a good idea, but I thought it would be good here. ;)

Anyway, maybe I should try NIN style? I'm not really good at emulating other styles, but it's worth a shot...

lmao I really don't watch much TV these days, and really I never did, but I do understand your reference. :) Drumwork will be the most work, as I do the drums in FL

and thanks, bro! :D


the intro is too repetitive and long. I like the part when the beat comes in, but it happens very abrupt. you need a build up going into the beat. also, other than the beat, I don't notice any changes from the original. Dont get me wrong, I love the original track. But if you want it to pass the judges, you need some of your own original composing added to it.

I also agree that the kick should be stronger. I love the way the kick sounds, it just needs to be a bit more punchy and powerful!

the intro is too repetitive and long. I like the part when the beat comes in, but it happens very abrupt. you need a build up going into the beat. also, other than the beat, I don't notice any changes from the original. Dont get me wrong, I love the original track. But if you want it to pass the judges, you need some of your own original composing added to it.

I also agree that the kick should be stronger. I love the way the kick sounds, it just needs to be a bit more punchy and powerful!

Oh... too long? I was trying to make it "suspenseful"..yar. A build up into the beat.. I see what you mean. Then again I did mention I was going to do more drum work, so good time to mess with the build up as well, I suppose.

A lot of people love the original track, and I'm pretty sure that in order to make a "bad" remix of the Ice Cap theme, one would have to be doing it on purpose XD

So... that's TWO people that say the kick needs to be stronger. Wow, that's actually a relief, because I thought it would be too strong =O As for my own original composing... chee, shouldn't be too hard... perhaps a synth "solo" of sorts??

Well, thanks for the advice and now I may be persuaded to make that kick a bit more powerful DX


A synth solo, some reworkings of the melody, changing the chord progression for sections... well, I guess what I look for is something that sounds personal, you know? I think the judges look for that too (i've read in a few decisions about how "personal" a remix sounds and it is generally a positive critique). But it depends on what you're striving to do.

A darker direction? If you feel it'll work and pull it off, I'm sure I won't be the only one who likes it.


For one, the title is now changed. The new title: Cold Ending (that probably won't be final, though)

Two... I want to know if I did at least HALF a good job making it dark at any part. I redid SOME of the drums, but my main focus was TRYING to give the remix a different (dark, actually) sound. I'll do more to the beat than the simple loop you hear, and change the sounds in it as well, so don't worry to mention it. I also may have this split as an orchestral mix later, but that's when I get way more advanced with this. Remember I've only been doing this (remixing/remaking) for about two months now, and not full time either. Anyway I think this lost its sound somewhere through. Again constructive feedback greatly appreciated as usual, and thanks in advance (even though I'll thank you again anyway XD)

Click here to listen to Sonic 3 Remix - Cold Ending.mp3


At 22 seconds, when you introduce a riff (or whatever), it might be cool if you try expanding upon that and make a longer melody off of it. When you reprise it towards the end, you can do either since you have more going on to keep it from getting boring.

1:22-1:39 stuff was cool, hinting w/the bass and the arp.

This sounds a lot more focused - keep going with it. You wanted to know if it sounded darker? I can hear that - it also strikes me as chill/laid back. I was kinda surprised by the snapping, lol. But I wonder if you could give that clap a little more presence, somehow... like a reverb or delay, so it fills the soundscape? That would probably take it more to the chill zone though. Up to you man.

You say you've been doing the remixing thing for only a few months now - do you have other music training or experience, though?

At 22 seconds, when you introduce a riff (or whatever), it might be cool if you try expanding upon that and make a longer melody off of it. When you reprise it towards the end, you can do either since you have more going on to keep it from getting boring.

1:22-1:39 stuff was cool, hinting w/the bass and the arp.

This sounds a lot more focused - keep going with it. You wanted to know if it sounded darker? I can hear that - it also strikes me as chill/laid back. I was kinda surprised by the snapping, lol. But I wonder if you could give that clap a little more presence, somehow... like a reverb or delay, so it fills the soundscape? That would probably take it more to the chill zone though. Up to you man.

You say you've been doing the remixing thing for only a few months now - do you have other music training or experience, though?

Wow, that altered pitch at about 20 some seconds... I'm not gonna lie to you, it was unintended. I didn't try to fix it though because I liked the way it sounded :D But, you say "longer"? Hmm, I'll see, but towards the end, I feel as though that "beat" will have to change anyway, but still it stays as hip-hop (ish). Meh, I didn't even realize how much I took out from the previous work (yes, I actually built WIP5 from WIP4!). BUT, the re-working of the drums is still not done here. I'm still learning at this as well.

Lol 1:22 was intended to hint, or else... imagine if it WASN'T there. Boring, right?

and thanks, I did focus more on this, but it IS nice when an idea kinda comes naturally, and I work on it, it's easier to, you know, do it right, and I will continue working on it once more brilliance comes along. Also, do you think emulating the style of "The Sky Is The Limit" (by Lil Wayne lol) in any portion would be good? I can't imagine it exactly how it would sound at this point, but it's fun to play on ideas that may not even work. That's what the "Save As..." is for, I suppose. Go back if it doesn't work.

Actually, I have not had any other music training/experience other than maybe a few guitar lessons (that I don't even remember because I was, what, 6 years old?). Maybe being a huge fan of Sonic The Hedgehog and the fact that music has been of the greatest importance in my life is helping here. I ALWAYS have my 120GB iPod or Dingoo player on hand; I'm never without some kind of music player. NEVER

In my first 5 years I grew up in a home with no TV, only a really big stereo system. I mostly heard what the adults listened to: Metal and classic rock. I'm still not above hip-hop, rap, dance, classical, or jazz, as told by this remix

Still it was fun at 5 years old to twirl my hair around while all the adults emptied their lungs at my ability to headbang =P


Err, a small amount of difference, you'll hear what I did, but really I'm not rushing it--I just want to make sure I'm still going in the right direction here. I just don't want to destroy a remix by adding too much to it. I guess I'll call it WIP6, but it may be a while before I go any further with this... I've been feeling down lately. Call it depression if you like, I'm just so low right now.

MP3 Here


Sorry, I've been lazy about posting lol.

The latest update is sounding good. I'm liking what you're doing, and where you've stopped now might be a good spot for a solo... something expressive. You've got some really expressive/emotional melodic material to work with towards the end of the buildup.

Depression and being down suck, but emotions and passions tend to be the best catalysts for the arts. I find when I'm feeling the most helpless, confused, or upset I can easily pick up a pen (keyboard) and start writing (typing) poems and short stories like there's no tomorrow. If you can bring yourself to work on this while you're in this mood (especially since it matches the mood of the piece) I think you'll have something good to show for it, in some form or another.

But in general, I do hope things get better and that you can have more time to work on this type of stuff. I think you have a lot of potential.

Sorry, I've been lazy about posting lol.

The latest update is sounding good. I'm liking what you're doing, and where you've stopped now might be a good spot for a solo... something expressive. You've got some really expressive/emotional melodic material to work with towards the end of the buildup.

Depression and being down suck, but emotions and passions tend to be the best catalysts for the arts. I find when I'm feeling the most helpless, confused, or upset I can easily pick up a pen (keyboard) and start writing (typing) poems and short stories like there's no tomorrow. If you can bring yourself to work on this while you're in this mood (especially since it matches the mood of the piece) I think you'll have something good to show for it, in some form or another.

But in general, I do hope things get better and that you can have more time to work on this type of stuff. I think you have a lot of potential.

Such... words of encouragement! =D I am so.. uplifted by this, actually, but I find I work best when I'm in a good mood. Everyone's got their own style, I suppose. While my style is typically happy and often cute, I tend to not be able to break away from a vibe once I get into it. But you are right, maybe this depressive vibe is the perfect work to support my depressive mood, which honestly just comes from the time of the year. In October I tend to be the most sensitive to the world around me, including my already intense sensitivity to the negative emotions of others, although I can't imagine why October. Anyway your comments have been very helpful in the shaping of this mix, I thank you so very much! =D I will try to work on this, and keep it at night, since all the work I have done at night seems to be the only work I ever keep in the mixes anyway... Besides, I AM nocturnal! =P

  • 2 weeks later...

Nice remix! I've been listening to WIP4 and I really like it! It sounds like a completed work to me. I really prefer this version. I studied music when I was growing up, and you my friend did a great job on this remix. It builds in the right places and "feels" like you are in that cold techno world of Sonic's.

Have you thought about remixing the end music for Sonic 3? The remixes for the ending seem to be lacking. The only one available on OC Remix sounds distorted (I guess the artists intended it to be that way). I went on youtube and it seems everyone is going the Michael Jackson route.

I think if you remixed the ending theme it would be more melodic and true to the theme!

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