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Okay, it's been a good month and a bit since I've written anything and a few months since I've written anything in this style, but it's good to be back. Basically, I had to wait around a bit today and this is the product of three hours waiting in the library and a little bit of pre-bedtime work. ^o^

Anyhow, just wanna know what you guys think- lemme know how you find the levels too- they seem a little odd this end.

Here's the link! Enjoy.

V.4: *final*




Okay, you were right Halc, thanks! I've thickened it out a little and moved towards the end of the track compositionally. It'll end up just over two minutes- it's annoyingly short yeah, but there's not too much else I can do with the source without making it a little tedious.

Anyway, there are some production issues, if you hear any specifically, point 'em out. It gets quite difficult working out what's wrong with your track when you've listened to it for a while. ^o^

V.4 *final*:


(I'll update the first post too, for those of you who don't view the last post first.)

EDIT- Oh, I thought I'd just point out, I used the original OOT Ocarina in there for a bit of fun. See if you can find it.


Lol, I never notice how much the Fairy Fountain theme and the Azela Town theme from Pokemon GSC match up structurally until I heard this. Seriously; play Azela in your head whilst listening to this, it's crazy. :P

Either way, good stuff. You're right; the length is frustrating, since I totally want more, but what you have now is pretty awesome stuff.


So, I'm gunna call this my last edition of this. I've kinda lost inspiration a little, but I just needed to push it over the 2:00 mark to finish it off as a nice little mix. So here it is!

V.4 *final* :


i'm guessing the ocarina is in the little swirl there at 1:15?

Congrats! Damn thing has such low attack too. I had to shift it back almost a whole quarter-beat to get it in time.

Lol, I never notice how much the Fairy Fountain theme and the Azela Town theme from Pokemon GSC match up structurally until I heard this.

Yeah, that's because of the way I messed about with the chord progression. The source is actually nothing like it. Y'know, to me it sounds too close to "last Christmas", but I only realised it afterwards.


Nice ReMix. :)

Because you can hear them in the background: I never could stand those disgusting, screaming, porno fairies. That's not how fairies look and behave like! This is the only thing that's really shitty about this game. Other than that Zelda OoT and Chrono Trigger are my all time favourite games! :)

Because you can hear them in the background: I never could stand those disgusting, screaming, porno fairies. That's not how fairies look and behave like! This is the only thing that's really shitty about this game.

I know, it really was like walking into some crazy strip club- they didn't wear the most coving things either. The only thing seperating you from seeing their naked, triangular breasts (which look kinda dangerous and pointy) was some ivy. It was the only outlet the character designers had to vent their frustration being stuck working on the game 24/7!

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