djpretzel Posted April 10, 2004 Posted April 10, 2004 Unfortunately repetitive but some good ideas - djp Title: Zelda’s Windmill Artist: Pliant Thanks!
DarkeSword Posted April 10, 2004 Posted April 10, 2004 Too repetitive. As soon as the melody was iterated for the third time, I knew this piece was pretty much over. The drum beat never lets up. Ever. It's the same boring beat over and over again. Do something new please. Boring arrangement. NO
Protricity Posted April 11, 2004 Posted April 11, 2004 How about doing some production on that square lead? Wow, it just keeps looping. Go for more change ups. Key changes, percusive breaks, you know, all the usual aspects of music. NO
Vig Posted April 14, 2004 Posted April 14, 2004 i'm remixing this song right now, so let me get my "no" stamp ready... haha i kid. .... I like the beat, but i think the melodic change to 4/4 is akward and unnatural. I would have added some extra notes to fill some of the space. 2 minutes in, now just melody and drums. not good, considering the square lead sounds nasty. ACK now it's comping! (2:40) i like the subtle synth that is in the background. it's really quite nice. unfortunately there isnt enough else to merit a yes. too repetitive, doesnt build, bad lead, etc etc. NO
GrayLightning Posted April 14, 2004 Posted April 14, 2004 What vigilante said. Also everything is very loud and piercing. The drums are pounding. Everything is very harsh and loud, all the time. The other issue here is it sounds so empty. There's a lead, there's a bass line, there's drums and that's it. This needs more instrumentation and at least a pad. Not a bad mix, but this needs a lot more to pass. NO
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