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*NO* Final Fantasy 5 'Flying Fireship'


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Hi! My Remixer name is: T:B.

Game is Final Fantasy V.

Original title Final Fantasy V: The Fire-Powered Ship by Nobuo Uematsu.


http://ocremix.org/chip/6560 - "The Fire Powered Ship" (ff5-1-22.spc)

The percussion at :51 was about as tame and flimsy-sounding as could be; it left the background sounding too empty instead of beefing up the groove.

The track did slowly add elements and provide some dropoffs, but there still wasn't enough dynamic curve or contrast over time. Structurally, the melody was basically verbatim with the source and repetitively used, so it really could have used futher interpretation. Develop the ideas further and get more creative with the handling of the melody. You have some decent ideas to personalize the theme, but you need to introduce more, IMO.

Happy Kwanzaa!

NO (resubmit)

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Pretty clean sounding synths here, I'm a fan though but others could see them as being "vanilla". The main downer for me is the arrangement. It's just really repetitive and the add-something/remove-something every few measures doesn't help it as much as some proper melodic variation and changes in harmony would.

The production was okay. I thought the almost electric-guitar-ish lead was a bad choice. It was heavily reverbed, way in the background and lacked movement. Most of the main synths sound similar and hog the same frequencies, making your track a bit empty in the top and bottom frequencies.

Overall you need to develop this further both arrangement-wise and production-wise. Sorry man.


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I love me some FFV.

Yipes, someone went FX happy. I'm a minute in and I still don't hear any bassline.

This is some really basic stuff. You have a general idea of what kind of piece you want, but there's very little substance here; it's a lot of layers that don't really balance with each other. Percussion is pretty weak too.

Needs work.


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