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Email sub file The_Ant_Rant.mp3 - djp

Hi im The Majestic Jester. The song i attached is a remake/remix of one of the songs from the night club in jet force gemini.

I really enjoyed making this mix. Its really ravey and loopy but i dont personally think its boring to listen to.

"life is like a juggling ball, it goes up and down and sometimes it hits you in the face..."


Wierd intro, the rest is pretty good. Reminds me a lot of WipeOut music.

This doesn't have enough hooks for me, and the production is a bit lacking. This lacks the intangibles of composition and production. More development would make this much stronger. Ending is weak. It just cuts off. You can do better than that.

Borderline No


The biggest problem I have is that it IS enjoyable, but it doesn't really fit without the constraints of a composition, per se. I guess the biggest thing I'm grappling with isn't so much "should it be put on" as "can it be put on". On a technical level, it is wildly repetative, and aside from the main lead, there isn't a real melody, per se...

But in the end, I'm going to go with YES on the grounds that I found it enjoyable, and if it is found to be too technically displeasing, somebody else will outvote me.


this would've been cool if it had some crazy synthesizer sounds and percussion. it feels somehow restrained and thin. i think the awkward EQ has to do with the 'thin' sound. there seems to be a lot of midrange and that's it. overall it doesn't offer much to the listener, regardless of whether they're sitting at home on their PC or popping pills at a rave.



i really really enjoy the industrial sound effects, however this mix is missing some meat.

it could use more reverb in the counterpoint synths, and it could use more consistency in the beat, and more content in the interlude sections. very interesting start, but it needs more.


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