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Hey there!

This would be my first proper try at remixing a song from a game, in this case Mario 64. The song in the mix would be the theme that played on the sunken ship stage. I was aiming for a trancy/dance vibe with it, hence the dragged out intro. I'm aware that it's a bit formulaic, so that's why any comment and suggestion would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks!

Here's the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?jljgdkjmkhw

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[1/24/10] http://www.mediafire.com/?zjygt5mlkf4


And I even made a little cover art for it!



Way too much intro.

Playing the melody completely straight doesn't work at all with your "trancy/dance vibe" it really just sounds like you pasted it on top of an unrelated song. Mix it up a little.


Spakku, there's really no call to be rude.

Elcar, it sounds like you have a pretty decent start here. I'm not very helpful in how to improve remixes, but I can tell you you have a decent mix. It's pretty straightforward, yeah, but all it takes is a little creative thinking. Try creating your own original melody and mixing that up with the source tune, and try starting these melodies closer to the beginning, rather than starting at 1:20.

I don't have more than that to add, so give it a try and see what you come up with. Good luck!

Hey there!

I was aiming for a trancy/dance vibe with it, hence the dragged out intro. I'm aware that it's a bit formulaic, so that's why any comment and suggestion would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks!

And I even made a little cover art for it!


Liking the cover art, man!

But, you've got your own critique bang-on. Your approach is a pretty good dance track underneath a re-do of the melody. A few suggestions to fix that:

1) A breakdown. Sticking in a few dynamic tempo shifts, or one really big one with some sort of lead-up gives a piece a lot more energy and is a break from the initial melody. Don't rehash the melody.

2) This is a personal taste sorta-thing, but I find the stacking intro (in general) a little cliche. Try to incorporate some of the spirit of the original. Think, for example: what's Mario doing? Try something part determined, part-worried - think martial & a nice, sexy drone combined.

3) Change the melody instrument - it's way too close to the original, and the judges will nab you on it hardcore.

I'm not sure why, but when I hear the source, I get Gigi D'Agostino vibes. YouTube "bla bla bla" - see if it inspires you. Hope that helps!


Thanks for the feedback guys! =D

I changed a few things up now. I cut some of the intro out, starting the song a bit stronger. Added a few more melodies, and a bit of a breakdown buildup part. The arrangement itself probably won't be final, but I definetly see a difference in the song's dynamic now thanks to the suggestions! Check it out:


PS. Sir_Snooze, that track gave me a few ideas, thanks for the heads up! =]


Let me preface this review by saying that this is well removed from my genre of expertise, so I could be wrong in my interpretation of some of this stuff, but I feel like I'm fairly accurate in my assessment.


[X] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source


[X] Drums have no energy

PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts)

[X] Wrong notes


[X] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough)

[X] Too repetitive

PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts)

Okay, let me clarify a few of my bulletpoints up above, because I have a few problems.

For the arrangement, I was very torn between TOO CONSERVATIVE and TOO LIBERAL. How? Well, it essentially goes on a 2 minute tangent where it has no real melody, just the same general chord progression as the source. I couldn't decide if that was too conservative in interpretation or too liberal in that it departed from the original too much by emulating one of its chord progressions repeatedly. So I went with conservative. Just thought I'd justify that.

Drums have no energy: it's not so much a lack of energy because the drums sound just fine, the drums are one element of my main overall issue with the piece (which I bullet pointed later and will explain later -- the repetitiveness.

Wrong notes under performance, there's an entire section of the song (starting at around 1:16 approximately) where it's the chord progression repeating itself, and then at 1:43 it's joined by notes that clash with the chord progression -- they're too dissonant for my ears. Also, upon re-listening a fifth time I just picked up on the chimey-sounds that come in at 2:10 -- they just sound a hair off. Again, just a bit of dissonance. Maybe I'm wrong.

For structure, the two ticked options are my biggest issue with the piece. The song essentially repeats the same chord progression for 3 minutes and is occasionally joined in by another layer of sound, sometimes clashing and causing a bit of dissonance with what it joined. Near the finale, I'm not even sure most of the stuff is in the same key.


Sounds better than before, the original melody makes for a pretty nice intro. Feels to me like it wants to transition into something else the way you have it, though; up to 1:15 it sounds like it's prepping to bring in a new lead melody or at least a shift in tone. Kind of anticlimactic at about the point you realize it's just going playing the chords.

And the chimes are definitely a little off key.


Mkay - a definite improvement! Thanks for pitching that stacking intro. Neko makes a point - to make sure (not that I don't trust Neko - I missed it the first time), I plugged in my headphones...and...yeah. You've got tuning problems at 1:43. Those chimes, too, but I'm not sure I mind them. I'll let you know when I re (re, re) listen to it.

You've done some good work thus far - now, you gotta make it your own. If you liked Gigi D'Agostino, give some of his ideas a try. Bla Bla Bla works because of the vocal samples he uses to make the song - the Riddle is another good tune. Find an electronica artist that works for you, and mimic them. I'm not sure if this works for this sort of thing, but I got my trumpet sound by mimicing people I like (Maynard Ferguson, Bill Chase, Bill Watrous [trombone, I know], Louis Armstrong...you get the idea). Because I can't do it exactly like they do, I find my own style by mimicing and seeing what happens.

Clear up your tuning problems and just listen to people for a while. I don't care who - Coburn, BoC, Mu-Ziq, Bola, Basshunter - whatever floats your boat. Find their style - something that really clicks with you. Try to stick that feeling into your tune. Keep it aquatic, if you know what I mean. To be completely honest, I think this'd make an awesome ambient track...I'd have a tough time dancing it up. For now, try to find a style, mimic it with your own twists, remember the environment, and clear up your tuning troubles. This is an improvement over your last track!

Neko's right about repitition, too - try to change up your chord structure. Don't leave it bare, if you can. At the same time, don't clutter the soundscape. It's a delicate balance, but you do have to put some meat on the track.

Good luck!

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