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At least Fox News will be telling the truth when they bag it

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They bring this up in relation to the Rachni, as you'll recall. The Paragon choice is to give the queen a second chance.

I'm actually annoyed that they didn't give the option for male Shepard to have a male romance partner. Bioware often seems to go for the lesbian relationship for the sake of the peanut gallery and ignore the gay relationship that would make the situation more egalitarian. Zevran (Dragon Age) and Sky (Jade Empire) are the only ones I can think of, and they're outnumbered by Juhani (KotOR), Silk Fox (Jade Empire), Leliana (Dragon Age), Liara (sort of), and now Kelly Chambers.

I heard there was actually a bit of an uprising on the MA2 forums from GBLT groups about the lack of male on male relationships in Mass Effect 2, especially when Dragon Age did a good job of treating all relationships equally.

I heard there was actually a bit of an uprising on the MA2 forums from GBLT groups about the lack of male on male relationships in Mass Effect 2, especially when Dragon Age did a good job of treating all relationships equally.

When are people going to learn that relationships between two males are just different from any others?

I mean for one thing, men mean what they say. And they don't put you through insane guilt trips. Nor do they shop for stupid shit that you don't like.

M/M relationships aren't there because they're too good and you should keep your god damned lucky "relationships" secret because for everyone else they're synonyms for "a series of escalating arguments followed by sex".


This thread went from sarcastic commentary on the state of things to a rehash of ratings to generic vg commentary to an espousal of pent-up irateness regarding relationships.

wtf are we even talking about so I can properly piss on it?


That modifier was intended to run through the entire set.

Such things are easier to express in person over stories and brews.

Fair enough.

Also Mass Effect 2- Proof that the proven genetically hottest human female in the universe is an Australian. Anyone else pick her accent?

Not that I actually find Ms Lawson overly attractive, but that's funny.

Dragon Age did a good job of treating all relationships equally.

Well, not exactly... It seems there's never anyone who's actually gay in a Bioware game, just bisexual. And it didn't help that Zevran was just amoral, horny, and non-discriminating, which isn't the healthiest way to portray gay relationships. A lesbian relationship with Leliana had the potential to be much more wholesome.

By the way, I juuust finished my second playthrough of Mass Effect 1. I slept with Liara as female Shepard, mostly because Ashley was on my squad. Did the same with male Shepard because Kaidan was on my squad (and Ashley annoys the hell out of me).


I did all this earlier but I didn't understand the hotkeys and I posted early and second time around I deleted my own post.

But, Mass Effect was great for me. They tapped onto some psychology that I thought was groundbreaking for a video game. OK. They had some slight reference to sexual innuendo but it wasn't more then you seen in many PG movies. And they gave you the choice between renegade and paragon. For me that's like Charity. I loved it. So what do you say?

Fair enough.

Also Mass Effect 2- Proof that the proven genetically hottest female in the universe is an Australian. Anyone else pick her accent?

Not that I actually find Ms Lawson overly attractive, but that's funny.

That's not really fair, because CGI chicks are always symmetrical, and how is any real person going to compete with that.


Yes, I am appalled at Western civilization and humanity in general if there's more backlash for the implication of sex between two people who care for each other (which is one of the most beautiful things in the world) than there is for the player's ability to take an active role in the genocide of an entire species.

That's not really fair, because CGI chicks are always symmetrical, and how is any real person going to compete with that.



Oh look Miranda Lawson looks like Yvonne Strahovski with black hair

Oh wait Miranda Lawson is VOICED by Yvonne Strahovski AND is modelled on Yvonne Strahovski

Edit: May I also add that I find torture and extreme violence far more worthy of censorship than swearing or nudity or god forbid sex

Edit: May I also add that I find torture and extreme violence far more worthy of censorship than swearing or nudity or god forbid sex

That's just cause your a horny Australian Wacky. Just thinking about your country (much less the women in it) gives you a hard on.

Oh wait Miranda Lawson is VOICED by Yvonne Strahovski AND is modelled on Yvonne Strahovski

Edit: May I also add that I find torture and extreme violence far more worthy of censorship than swearing or nudity or god forbid sex

To true, she's gorgeous. But the CGI perfection, can't actually be achieved in real life. Video game girls are always going to be more perfect. Laura Croft, Tifa, Yufie, Yuna, Lulu, Rinoa. I apologize for the all the FF references BUT, Genetics can't compete with computers. Fuck, what do you think?

That's just cause your a horny Australian Wacky. Just thinking about your country (much less the women in it) gives you a hard on.

ffs, lmfao

oh whoops, sorry for double posting, it's just how i feel

That's just cause your a horny Australian Wacky. Just thinking about your country (much less the women in it) gives you a hard on.

It does help we're a giant melting pot of heterogenous genes being mixed up all willy nilly by rampant interracial sex

Which as good geneticists know would tend to increase the overall health and adaptiveness of any sample population

I mean, what nationality is Megan Gale? Doesn't have one. She's too mixed up to have one. Also gorgeous.

Edit: Also-

Melissa Theuriau


Bastila Shan

Lala Ward (In the 70s, in a schoolgirl outfit)

They don't want the sex in the games at all.

Video games are toys for children.

Children should not know about sex until they are 25 and married.

Let's train them to shoot terrorists or well, anyone who's not a white male in the meantime.

Also the relationships in ME2 are at times well done too, highlighting more than just sex. For example you can choose to sleep with Jack right away but then it'll just be shallow and she'll feel bad. If you actually talk to her, get to know her and develop a proper relationship.. well, then you get an ACHIEVEMENT

I find it amazing that no one considered the possible other plotlines that provoke metaphysical and philosophical discussion arising in ME1

1. Genocide (Is it truly right to genocide a race, no matter how "evil" it might be?)

2. The interplay between honourable surrender (As Saren attempts)) and Fighting for your Rights? Too bad this got subverted in that Sovereign had no intention of giving anyone any rights after winning, but imagine if it did...?

3. The possibility that your Hero may have just committed Treason against the people he swore a duty and oath to (The Citadel Council) so he could advance his own special interests? (if you let the council die because you think humanity should take over.) Those who think "The citadel are dicks" should remember that each soldier of the United States swears an Oath to defend the country and is only allowed to disobey ILLEGAL orders, not just stupid orders.

4. The fact that if you use incendiary or polonium rounds, you're killing people in ways that are outlawed on Earth? (Incendiary and anti personnel rounds of the kind depicted in Mass Effect are, in fact, illegal to use under the Hague convention, and soldiers are taught this- For example, Don't Use the Barrett .50 cal. against people unless you have nothing else because it's a war crime)

Now here's the good stuff. Can't blame Fox for being too dense to understand any of this though. Other notable things are the constant racism against different aliens (and humans) during the game, genetic modification for both beauty and other purposes, tons and tons of drugs, threatening to kill people to get what you want and so on and so on and so on... Also uh, killing people in general. Though sex is obviously worse than that.

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