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Long name, I know. Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated...


It isn't finished yet and I'm debating whether it's good enough to sell or not. Sorry nothing too new is out there right now. "Dark Side of the Sun" is a highly-remixed version of my very first FL Studio venture, and "Restricted Area" is likewise my second mix, highly redone and almost up to my current standards/skill. I am using internet on a terrible wifi connection right now so later when I have a solid connection I will post something here that is hopefully much better. It's a newer piece called "Residual Toxicity" that I've shared only with my close friends who seem to like it.


I'll do some thoughts on the Residual Toxicity song you posted 2nd on here.

I like the piano intro, its fitting and sounds decent. Maybe some very slight reverb just to give it some slight more depth. That might only really be necessary for the intro. Also, the sort of breakdown part where its just the piano and bass playing, maybe consider putting a single kick beat every 4 steps to held hold the beat. Not that its getting outta beat, but that long without drums just seems weird. Also, maybe increase the bass kick's low EQ and volume just a little to help bring it out more.

Other than those couple small gripes on my part, its a great track. Sounds like it should be in a japanese anime or something along those lines. :D


jabond23, thanks for the comments. One of my college buddies who also does music said that the end sounds like a rave, lol. That's a good idea about having a kick every 4 beats, it makes sense. I was expecting a lot more criticism, so I guess my skills have improved somewhat. Could you check out my High Tide WIP (a megaman mix I was working on a long time ago) and tell me if you think it's worth salvaging? I think I'll probably just start over if I do attempt to make it better. Here's a link to that thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=657467

Right now I'm working on a Dragon Warrior remix I plan on submitting, and it's about 70% done. I think it's actually a lot better than Residual Toxicity which is definitely my best so far.

Also, on my website, what do you think about the Blue Wrath remix? It's a mix of the track "The Blue Wrath" from the Shaun of the Dead soundtrack.


estaples, thanks! Glad you like it. Oddly enough I've never played Castlevania though I'm a huge mega man fan. I should probably try it out.

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