djpretzel Posted July 20, 2004 Posted July 20, 2004 Whee, my second submission Here's the url: Cheers, ____ ____ _ _ | \ | _ / | || | | D \ | |__ | || | | / | _ / | || | | |\ \ | |___ | || | |_| \_\ |____/ \___/ ==========================
The wingless Posted July 20, 2004 Posted July 20, 2004 Nice title... what, did it take you all of 2 seconds to think that one up? ::slaps the piss out of whoever this cat is:: I heard this over at vgmix a while back I believe. One of my biggest complaints is the infrequent but prominent keyslips and note-clashes during what I can only assume is a live playing. HOWEVER, seeing as how it is live (if I assume correctly), these flubs are forgiveable. My own personal live playing has gone to hell thanks to sequencing. Still, at times, the slips are are glaring to the point of distraction. Beyond that, often times, the dense nature of the piece creates a very tangled web of sound that's hard on the listener. I get the distinct impression the author was going for fullness of sound, but at times, it comes out as clutter on a small note-by-note level. It's like having a tall building built on very irregular bricks. Still, none of these gripes really outweigh the good points of the song. I can't quite place if anything has changed in this version versus the one I heard in VGmix, but I like them both very much. Could be alot cleaner, but I can't see any reason why I should condemn it to OCr hell. YES might I suggest as an excersize, trying to get the biggest sound out of the least amount of notes. See where it takes you. Oh, and get a better title, professor-no-imagination. What, did you name your dog, "Doggy" too? Get the hell outta here!
Vig Posted July 20, 2004 Posted July 20, 2004 I'm not the pianist, but it seems to me like you would need more than 2 hands to play this live. i really really like the chord alteration at :50 sec. it does get crowded at points, perhaps sticking to two hands wouldn't have been a bad idea. also there's some distortion just before 3:20. It's not the best piano mix on the site, but the arrangement is engaging and well-done. here son, have a YES
Liontamer Posted July 21, 2004 Posted July 21, 2004 I wish Reu would have at least thrown a little bit of background on this in his submission letter: Alrighty, my second piano quartet piece. This time based on Ryu's theme song from street fighter. I liked the momentum and energy of the theme and tried to imbue some unique aspects to the piece.This was taken in 1 take on each piano, no sequencing nor editting. I first heard this one for the VGF Pimp Section a month ago when it was released at VGMix. It's mislabeled under Street Fighter 1 (unless the Ryu theme originated from there, which I don't believe to be right), but in any case, the actual title of the remix is "Ryu's Theme Song for 4 Pianos," which is why the track is layered the way it is, with one track on lead, one on countermelody, and two on background support. (EDIT: I'll just change the mix title of the thread to the full name, and make Wing's title complaints OBSOLETE! ) Wing's our quality piano guy, and I agree with him all the way on this. The layers of piano sometimes come together in odd ways here, but overall this was a really strong and ambitious mix that featured some much-needed, significant rearrangement of the source music. The last thing we need is a cover of Ryu's theme. Very well made for 1 take apiece on each section, and the deliverly is strong, even if noticeably scattershot at times. Great job, Reu. This is a nice, upbeat offering that contrasts well with your more relaxed work. YES
Disco Dan Posted July 21, 2004 Posted July 21, 2004 YES This song will do great to put me to sleep at night! Oh wait. There is volume now. Hark. I hear an increase of velocity. Quite well done, actually. I can't tell if it's live or not. The ambience is convincing, though I've heard some really good samples, soundfonts and plug-ins that can mimic that same sound reeeeeeeeeeeally well. Either way, it's played live, i.e. it's not sequenced. So for that, you have bonus points from me, so... Oh wait, I already voted. D
Protricity Posted July 21, 2004 Posted July 21, 2004 Had I been earlier, I would have given this a NO. Piano is just so damned messy. Arrangement is great, but piano needs to be smoother and sharper. More practice perhaps. NO Honestly, its more of a borderline NO.. .. maybe I'll just stfu and gtfo afk
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