BlackPanther Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 Ok so just to let you guys know. I'm still workin on the Lucky Number Show Remix. I'm leanin more towards no vocals so I'll have that decision by tomorrow. If I don't add vocals then it'll be done much faster. But anyways on to my Zelda Remix. I'm sure you've all heard tefnek's 'the end' remix for FFVII, well this remix is inspired by that remix. And I'm using Zircons shreddage for the guitar part. First - Now bear with me, I've never officially mixed guitars into my music so I don't know anything about humanization or mixing guitars so I need some pointers with that. Second - The hip hop/electronic section the beginning isn't 100% finished, nor is the guitar section and that transition isn't final either I just threw that in there to let you guys know that I suck with transitions and I need some help with that lol. Third - I know production may not be there so if you guys have any production critiques I could use those as well. Fourth - I'm goin for a dark sound so if there are any other elements that you guys think would sound good or pre exisiting sounds that could be tweaked to help with the dark sound, let me know. Anyways please help a brotha out lol, hope you guys at least enjoy it xD. Remix Quote
DragnBreth Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 Well... it sounds cool. I'm having difficulty picking out the source in there though. I hear it a bit, but not a lot. (But then again I could hardly tell tefnek's mix was One Winged Angel, but I still enjoy it, so...). Also, I gotta say, the guitars sound a lot like the Slayer vst in FL Studio right now. I've never used Shreddage so I can't really offer any advice on that. I would suggest, though, that you might add a second guitar playing lower chords or some kind of chugging riff to add to the dark tone you're going for. Sorry I can't be much more help than that. Looking forward to more! Quote
BlackPanther Posted April 21, 2010 Author Posted April 21, 2010 The bass that comes in at :07 is bein played by the bass in that intro sequence that's pretty much it. The lead is a little trickier: The lead melody that also comes in at :07 is being played by the guitar but it's been stretched and tweaked. I don't know how to explain this musically, but if you can imagine that lead melody being stretched out with a few notes added in between, then that's what the guitar is playing. Speaking of guitars it's definitely not fl slayer but I did use fl studio using guitar rig. After addressing that the guitar doesn't sound that good, I will fix that but I do hope I can get some more help with that from people who are experienced with that type of thing. Another note, the song isn't finished. I just need some inspiration from fellow musicians or listeners. My main thing is that transition, and once I get past that I'll be able to continue on the rest of the track. Thanks for your input DragnBreth. Quote
SLyGeN Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 The dark aura is all in the key you're using. The original track begins in C minor or C phrygian (it's ambiguous, but I would pick phrygian over minor because minor is more of a lamenting sound, while phrygian is evil/dark.) It does some other shit after that, but I'll let you decide what that shit is. What that first bit means, though, is stick, for the most part, to these notes: Your C Phrygian scale. For minor, simply disregard the flat D, and use a natural one, as well as following the principles of harmonic and melodic minor voice leading. Or just use Phrygian. That shit's easier. Keep in mind that other phrygian/minor scales will still sound dark, too, regardless of their tonic. Straying from/altering your scale is both dangerous and encouraged. It can add nice touches of variety and color, or it can totally fuck up your mood. Also stay away from C (or anything else) Major. That'll brighten your work faster than a photo negative left out in the sun, and it'll ruin it all the same. There's your theory lesson for the day. Quote
Gario Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 Tough theme to take on. Kudos for the effort It's actually not bad at all, though. The bass aggravates me to no end with that portamento. Do it periodically for effect, if you must, but don't do it for every single note change. You flood the listener with the sound enough it won't have an effect anymore. The drums need to be beefed out (namely the bass). They don't stand out, as they are, and in a track like this they should be very prominent. I like the direction you took this - a more ambient effect, yet with some flavor. The late source theme isn't bad at all. However, I would recommend playing with the idea of introducing it earlier at least in pieces, just to prep the listener for it a little better. It might inspire you to take the song in another direction, as well. The guitar sounds... not so good (thin, in particular). I'm sure you know that, though, so do what you gotta do to fix it. Yeah, the key really packs a punch, in this song (I normally don't go into 'key' theory, but it works well, here). Just use your ear and judgment, when it comes to taking it in other directions. You can raise the 2nd if you want some tasty flavor added to the riff... Yeah, good luck with this Quote
SLyGeN Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 the key really packs a punch, in this song (I normally don't go into 'key' theory, but it works well, here) Theory shit only comes into play when you're adding to the composition. If you never stray from the original song, then you don't have to worry about it because the author already did that part for you. But when remixers untrained in theory add their own material is when their remixes fucking fall apart. Quote
Gario Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 *Summons Rozovian* Not all untrained people produce crap, when adding new parts (or even significantly changing the key or whatnot). Theory isn't actually required for someone to make a good song, or to paraphrase Milton Babbit, "Theory isn't Composition". Meh, I won't worry about the theory, too much - it'd be best to focus on the remix at hand than get into a theory debate (and probably more helpful to Black Panther, anyhow). Quote
BlackPanther Posted April 21, 2010 Author Posted April 21, 2010 No offense, but I know a bit of theory so I don't need any lessons really. I don't really know the Phrygian scale, but if it's as easy as flattening the second note then that's not hard. And I'm aware that the guitar isn't good. I want help on how to make it better. Everything else I will work on once i get off of work. Thanks guys =). Quote
Gario Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 I wasn't thinking about you in that conversation. I trust you know what you're doing . Good luck with your next update. Quote
BlackPanther Posted April 22, 2010 Author Posted April 22, 2010 Well that was meant for Slygen. I want more help with the production, that transition and the guitar and the rest of the song will follow. I wasn't tryin to be an ahole or anything just sayin that's what I would like help with xD. Anyways I'll make that bassline not so "slidy" lol while working on the other stuff. I STILL NEED SOME PEOPLE WITH GUITAR EXPERIENCE TO HELP ME because apparently this sounds like FL Slayer which makes me sad lol. Guess I can always take this to the irc. Quote
Gario Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 You can try to contact the obvious choices, although I'm not sure how well that'll turn out (Neko is away in the military, atm; Sixto has more project songs than Jesus has followers, and Fishy is heading his own project, atm). Cyril the Wolf, LuketheXjesse and Jabond23 might be willing to give it a shot - you can go send them a PM or something. Worth a shot, at least There are others on here, too, so send out the bottled message that you need some help and someone will likely respond... Quote
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