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Super Metroid - Red Eye Brinstar


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Hey all. Long time listener, first time poster! I've been making music for around 6 years now, and this is the first time I feel confident posting one of my works up here. It's a remix of the Red Soil Area song from Super Metroid. As it is, it's mostly finished, but I'd love some professional feedback. Critique away, guys!


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1:25 with the whistle and xylo thing is pretty and interesting. I'd like it if the song experimented more with these things :D

First off, I think your kit doesn't really fit the song. I would go for a more ethnic feel, at least until the song picks up.

Some neat textures, but I think also when the song picks up, some of those panned fx are annoying on the ears (2:20)

The song is pretty repetitive and really doesn't meander from the source much... You do some cool things with texture, but the song needs to ... go somewhere? Hard to explain, but I feel that you really need to take this song and try to make it yours more, don't be afraid to explore more... Stray from the source and see where it takes you...

The drumkit at about 3 minutes in doesn't really fly for me. It's all muted and weird... I think what you should do is, take the original kit that you are using, and compress it and make it pick up a lot for that part, but don't use it until about 3 minutes in... Before this, replace your original drums with something more ethnic or electronic... Anyway, just a suggestion.

I think your strings could use some volume automation... Some instruments seem to stick out too much on my headphones (organ in the middle sections mostly)...

Also there's some dangerous resonance at about 3:40... Be careful with the frequencies there.

Anyway, this is interesting, some good ideas, but I think overall it doesn't really "go" anywhere, it meanders a lot, but not in exciting places... You certainly can patch this up though, just keep at it...

Also please continue to post more music, and I hope this doesn't sound too harsh! It takes courage to ask for crits! Thanks for the listen :J

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Lead guitar sound is too loud, you've got some other level edits you need to do to balance things out more. Snare sounds too mundane for the soundscape imo. 1:48 tempo change is a bit jarring and comes without warning. Again, too loud lead, this time the organ. 2:50 breakdown is nice, but the melody there could be more humanized, sounds stiff. You've got a really loud resonant frequency in the outro, you should probably eq that one down.

Overall, cool and unusual sound, but pretty repetitive arrangement. Some small technical fixes and it'd be worth submitting, but I dunno if you'd get it YESd.

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Thanks a lot guys, this is exactly the sort of stuff I was looking for. I'll do some touch ups with this in mind and post a new revision! As for the panned FX, I was going for a Metroid Prime-ish feel with that. I dunno if I succeeded or not, but if it's "annoying on the ears" I probably didn't do so hot of a job.

Stay tuned for a new version.

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