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Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)

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:lol: Sorry...

Ehm, i like tribals and anime (Cool and bloody, like Hellsing or Vampire hunter D).

Love Squaresoft games (FF7, CT, etc.), dragons, and high-tec shit.

Is that enough?

Thanks in advance.

ok, thx Cap!

Appreciate it.

EDIT: as you can see Analogvirus made a sig for me.

What do you think? :wink:

Sorry about the lack of sig making lately, Chiz and I have been pretty busy lately.

just because it isnt a graphics forum doesnt mean people dont like to have cool looking signatures...

Quit arguing. No one cares anymore. Go make sigs for people in need and be happy.

God...Thanks rGTO *click*

just because it isnt a graphics forum doesnt mean people dont like to have cool looking signatures...

Quit arguing. No one cares anymore. Go make sigs for people in need and be happy.

God...Thanks rGTO *click*

Hey your click is appreciated Chizniz. When I'm rich and out of college, I'll buy you a gift.

Also, WHERE'S MAY!!?!


It's nice to have help around but try not to be a jerk about it. Personally, I don't think the sigs I make are that bad, especially with as little experience I have with photoshop, so you coming in here and insinuating that we make crappy ones doesn't sit too well. We spend a lot of time doing something for free that takes up OUR time to try to make something for others, but I'm sure you know all about that. Sorry that your thread got deleted, but please don't get pissed because this one didn't, hasn't, or ever will. I like the sigs that you make, and I'm sure a lot of others do, but continue to act like a complete dick and no number of sigs will make OCR like you.

That being said, welcome aboard, and play nice.

just because it isnt a graphics forum doesnt mean people dont like to have cool looking signatures...

Quit arguing. No one cares anymore. Go make sigs for people in need and be happy.

God...Thanks rGTO *click*

Hey your click is appreciated Chizniz. When I'm rich and out of college, I'll buy you a gift.

Also, WHERE'S MAY!!?!

Johnny had to kill her or she'd turn the rest of the crew into zombies :(

maysweep1.gif= teh evil zombie

I second Capn's post, you will get backlash from arrogance, so try and avoid going off like that Scrubzors. Not everyone has the technical expertise you do in photoshop. So if our sigs are not "up to par" with you, instead of tearing everyone's down and going off as an egotist, why not lend pointers and promote an atmosphere of better sigs seeing as the ones here seem to bug you so much.


And on that note, here is my latest request from a fella that goes by the name Qureshi Sahab. He promised me to no end that he would stick around OCR...hopefully my faith in his promise was not in vain.



Cheers to you nice sigmakers here!

I have a request to make for a Super Monkey Ball sig, and I'll throw a few suggestions around to help guide you if you would want them to or not if you don't.

-As a focus, I'd like Ai Ai inside his monkey ball, perhaps on a course.

-The sig should look friendly and cute, as the game.

-"patella femoral syndrome" is somewhat long. "pfs" is fine, and it doesn't take up much space.

-Ai Ai does not need to look too fancy. If I had skills, I'd just draw him in paint.



(Ai Ai has the "A" on his shirt.)


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