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Picked up Just Cause 2 with the DLC earlier. It's incredibly awesome and I greatly recommend it while it's still on a discount. One of the best sandbox type games I've ever played.

Probably going to be addicted to Borderlands co-op for a while, but I'll be going back to Just Cause 2 eventually. Thew few minutes I did play when I installed it were pretty crazy.


Great sale I think, you guys will have to post here when there's a new one perhaps. Anyone with Borderlands + DLC, my Steam is Oinkness I think and my GameSpy is BrandonStr, that's what Borderlands uses, right? I've got up to a level22 Siren, it's pretty cool.

I've almost downloaded everything I got in the THQ master pack or whatever. Thanks ya'll for the good times. :-P


'Pandora Box'

No spoilers! :-x But I'd really laugh if the vault ended up being just one of those little boxes you open with cash in it, hehe... That'd be sooo anti-climactic.

'Pandora Box'

Borderlands is actually a prequel to "Legendary." :<

So here's what I got (including gifts for other people):

Rocket Knight

Full Pipe

Gravitron 2

MDK Combo

Safecracker 2

Ghost Master

Dark Void Zero

Super Laser Racer


Beat Hazard

Bionic Commando + Rearmed

Borderlands DLC: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

Borderlands DLC: Mad Moxxi

Star Wars: Empire at War Gold

Borderlands DLC: Dr. Ned




Supreme Commander 2

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Introversion Complete Pack - Summer 2010

Bioshock 2

Dragon Age: Origins

RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum

Plants vs. Zombies

Total: $150.28

Curse you, Steam...CURSE YOUUUU! (Seriously though, that comes to $5 a game if you count DLC.)

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