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This is what my GBA sound like :)

i made it when i had the mind set that my synth Pew Pew skills were the **** but surely i was wrong:pretzel:

(note there is a reason this is called broken gba, warning very random electro house song VERY EXPERIMENTAL)


these are one of the songs i will also not work on lol

now time to work on my ice cap project


Downloaded. This is pretty slick, I was a bit unsure at first but then it all started to make sense! There's some great ideas in here, I think some of the ideas have awkward transitions but some of them are genious. Sure got my attention haha. My only true complain is the end when everything sounds too full and it's a bit disorienting. But still probably one of the best songs I've heard in a while.

Downloaded. This is pretty slick, I was a bit unsure at first but then it all started to make sense! There's some great ideas in here, I think some of the ideas have awkward transitions but some of them are genious. Sure got my attention haha. My only true complain is the end when everything sounds too full and it's a bit disorienting. But still probably one of the best songs I've heard in a while.

you will be amazed of what a combo of captin crunch and sonic advance do to you in ableton

I have to admit this is quite good, to the point where I'm not sure if it's legit. Keep posting good music though.

i can post pic's of the ableton live sets and flstudio(for final parts and compression, I like fl that fl has better compressions options) sequence if you want if you think i did not make this :(

Oh so this is you is it? i heard this on tindeck a few days ago and thoroghly enjoyed it then, parts of it remind me of Autechre, are you using this plug-in by any chance?

no, there straight synths, wobble basses with loops,the 1 saw lead I but under gross beat for gating and modulation, and fruity filter then port them in Wav then put it in ableton with a auto filter, ok i guess i need to post pics of the 2 daws.

Edit gbapic.th.png1 page of 2 or 3 in ableton.


and fl for the final 2 minutes of the song with just plugin synths and hardware synths and drums loops. (NOT REWIRED)

the tindeck one is the master version with less bass(EQed), i will also upload the bass master vesion on my sound cloud soon,


The other guys are right, this is pretty legit. There are some ideas that feel scatterbrained and could use a bit more coherence to the overall flow and structure, but otherwise I wouldn't mind playing this on in a DJ set. My favorite parts are in the beginning where it's more glitchy and fidget-y.

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