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All right, I'm working on an RPG with friends, and of course I'm going to do the soundtrack before anything else (because I'm stupid like that). So, I thought I'd post the soundtrack as it progresses here. If you want to leave feedback, that's cool. I'll say right now that I probably have EQ issues, but that's something I can fix. The soundtrack is being written/composed on FL Studio 8 and Mixcraft 5 (there maybe more programs on the way). Now... *grabs coffee*:

The track list so far:

Battle Theme #1- http://www.box.net/shared/ynhot73pje


The 'ding ding ding ding ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong' bit goes from dramatic to irritating quickly. The background beat is fine, though. In short, in needs more variation.


I agree with Inferno 232: a little dingy. It picks up nicely with the horns and I really felt like it was going to go places, but then it stopped. Personally, it sounds more like one of those frantic, "we need to get the hell out of here" moments, especially with its urgency--it would be great for it. But, with such a short loop, the song could get easily overdone if used consistently in battle.

But, with such a short loop, the song could get easily overdone if used consistently in battle.

I agree, it needs some kind of melody or something to take it somewhere. The enjoyable thing about the FF battle themes for me was that they were long and by fighting an epic battle you are rewarded with the extra sections of the track. Though some battles may be short in long boss battles (i don't really know how your game will work) it will become a chore to listen to that 30 seconds over and over again.

I'd certainly say build things up a little more and look for some kind of direction melodically to take you to different sections!

It really does have a sense of urgency to it though and feels pretty exciting and battle'y so keep working on it!

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