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Can we perhaps get better titles, or preferably an understanding of mix titling, from Mr. Ferranti? He's got some good stuff, he needs to name it accordingly... - djp

Contact Info

Your ReMixer name : Nixdorux

Your real name : Nicolas Ferranti

Your email address : nixdorux@hotmail.com

Your website : http://home.urbanet.ch/ferranti/index.htm

ReMix Info

Name of game(s) ReMixed : Super Mario World SNES

Name of individual song(s) ReMixed : Ghost

Hello ! C'est une sorte de remix lectro/orchestral... J'écoute très peu de musique electro et ca doit surement s'entendre au travers de ce remix :) Cela dit, j'avais vraiment envie d'essayer ce mariage entre percussions electro (plutôt minimalistes ici) et arrangement orchestral...

Hello! It is a kind of remix electro/orchestral... I listen to very little music electro and this must surely get along through this remix:)

However, I wanted really to test this marriage between percussions magnet (rather minimalists here) and orchestral arrangement...

Adress of Remix :


not the most polished piece...in the beginning the strings seem to be playing too fast, they sound unnatural. also, in some places the percussion, techno and hip-hop, sound at best unnecessary and at worst, inappropriate. If it were me, i would rethink the percussion entirely.

that said, aside form the percussion, this mix has lots going for it. the beginning is moody and there is lots done with the source material. Lots of tension, lots of extrapolation and exploration.

i'd say a very borderline YES.

The percussion is definitely holding the mix back. i would ditch the drums entirely in favor of a pulsing electric bass keeping time.

in some places the percussion, techno and hip-hop, sound at best unnecessary and at worst, inappropriate. If it were me, i would rethink the percussion entirely.

The percussion is definitely holding the mix back. i would ditch the drums entirely in favor of a pulsing electric bass keeping time.

Couldn't be more in agreement. Heard this back when it was released on VGMix in late August and thought the exactly same thing. Was going borderline, because, if anything, the generic techno percussion was holding this down. For a fair amount of time, the electronic and orchestral mixture felt either conflicting or stapled together; that's really something that becomes less of a problem upon repeated listening which is one reason why it wasn't enough to dip this down into NO territory, but it was a problem for me nonetheless.

The rearrangement of the source material saved this though. 3:42 felt like a much, much better marriage of sorts of the two styles and the big finish at 4:30-5:00 was exactly the complementary fusion I was looking for. Looking at the delivery overall, the strength of the arrangement was up there and whatever problems I had with the electro-percussion could only hold this back so much.



This is one killer arrangement.

Man, that kick is an ear sore.

The the orchestra is ok, lots of delayed brass though. You should really learn how to manage high quality samples better.

Ending is pretty weak.

I would totally ditch all that percussion, but it doesnt destroy the mix, so


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