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I wanna learn this scale:

@2:09. The ascending notes.

I've heard this scale or something like it in a lot of music and I was wondering if anyone would be able to type it out somehow (asking a lot i know) or maybe link me to a piece of sheet music or something that has this particular scale. I've tried learning it by ear but I can't seem to get it right. I don't care what key it's written.

That is if what I'm asking for is even possible. I'd greatly appreciate it though.


Classical players call it an "octatonic scale" since it's eight notes in total. Jazz players refer to it as a "diminished scale," which makes considerably more sense considering its harmonic function, which, as was said previously, typically involves diminished chords.


damn, i was late.

it's an octatonic scale, pretty clearly, and it's refered to as the "3 4" octatonic scale. there are three scales - 1 2 (root is C#, starts with a half-step), 2 3 (root is C and starts with a whole-step), and 3 4 (root is C#, starts with a whole step)- depending on whether the scale starts on C or C# (eventually, you have to wrap it around until you get a root) and the absolute pitches of the second and third notes. that is, if i remember my post-tonal theory well enough. so, for example, this 3 4 scale would be written as C# D# E F# G A Bb C C#. an interesting note about octatonic - it's the second most widely-used scale that requires the use of both flats and sharps in the same scale, with harmonic minor scales being the most widely-used.

as siriusbeatz said, it's basically a scale that can be used over diminished chords (like the ii0 in a ii0 V7 i progression, 2-5-1 in minor). the term octatonic can technically be used with any scale that's based around eight notes plus the octave, so even a major scale with both minor and major 7ths would be octatonic. the tonality created by a whole-half scale, however, is refered to as octatonic exclusively.

the scale itself is finding a lot more usage in modern tonal composition, however, as it allows for a more complex-sounding scalar figure than a traditional major or minor scale. unlike traditional seven-note scales, it also allows for two beats of sixteenth notes in a run with the scale ending on the top note, as opposed to the septuplet that is often used for the same figure with major or minor scales.

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