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Legend of Zelda: Dungeon Theme Remix


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Hey guys, I've always loved all of the work done on OCReMix. I just recently started messing around with FL Studio, and I've decided (being the nerd that I am) mess around with video game tracks.

I have no previous experience whatsoever, but I'm looking for any criticism I can get. This remix is from the original Legend of Zelda, the Dungeon Theme.


Thanks for your feedback :)

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Hey there, welcome to OCR! Thought I'd post a reply since I checked out your tune, and also you got "josh" as your tindeck 4-letter extension, which is awesome, haha!

Firstly, here's the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_c_rA2s4q8 for anyone (including me) that's unfamiliar with it.

Well, as for a critique, I think it's fair to say that pretty much all aspects need work, but given that it's your first try it's really not that bad an effort. You've got some dungeon-y type synths going on, and changed them up a few times.

As for advice, this thread is a good place to start. First work on a decent drum beat to back it - you basically have no beat to this piece and it really needs one. Then try adding some pads to give it more atmosphere, and just generally experiment. Best of luck :)

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josh ftw :D VegetaLOL, you now have a nickname. :P

Yeah, this sounds like someone just starting out. Seems like the first arpegio chord is in major, which is interesting. Not bad, not necessarily good, but interesting. Writing is basic, but you're just starting out o you should know this yourself.

Besides, I can comment more about production. Your sound choices aren't terrible, but there's stuff you could improve on in that area. The first arpeggios are a bit too shrill to sound good, you could filter it, eq it, or screw with some other settings to get a softer sound. because of their pitch, they don't need to be that loud anyway. Second arpeggios have a bit of the same problem, but the glide and mono nature of it makes for a nice contrast without being weird.

The first underlaying melodyis a bit too lo-fi to fit with the rest, a bit too noisy and raw. Sure, it sounds aggressive, but without anything else that's aggressive to support it, it just sounds like it's doing its own thing. Second one, the vox, is cool. A bit too different from the monoglide arpeggios tho.

The bass in the intro works ok, but could be playing under the other parts to give them some backing. You can write your own supporting bassline by looking at the noters the other parts use and figure out which ones fit either by math or by experimentation. ;) Drums are a bit weak. The kick is good, but the claps are terrible. And that's all the drums you have. :( More of a groove would make the track your own, tho it might be too early for you to start screwing too much with the arrangement, better to just have fun with different sounds and see how stuff sounds together.

You're off to a decent start. I would advice you to read up on what volume means for digital files, what compressors are, and stuff like that, cuz your track is too loud. Read up on clipping and overcompression. Practice making stuff too loud and too soft (to learn to hear the difference and find the right balance), try to make it clip intentionally, try to apply the wrong kind of compression to learn what it sounds like. Learning what to do with volume is important.

Decent start. Keep remixing, keep learning, and have fun. :D

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