djpretzel Posted October 20, 2004 Posted October 20, 2004 Sup dudes. I wanted to make amends for my first submission in which I kissed a lot of ass but entirely overlooked the asses of Vig and Liontamer (well when I had submitted it Liontamer wasn't a judge). After listening to Vigilante's Pat Methenyish music I almost changed my beliefs that the piano is sexier than guitar, and thus began this song with some basic guitar work. But soon after I realized I suck at pretending to be Vigilante, so I threw in some piano and then slowly as everything evolved the whole song started to be not-like-anything-Vigilante-would-ever-make. In conclusion, Liontamer is da bomb. Shariq is too cool for school. And last, but certainly not least, THE WINGLESS FOR PRESIDENT. Love, Rav * Contact Info o Your ReMixer name: SirRus o Your real name: Ravi Sharma o Your email address: * ReMix Info o Name of game(s) ReMixed: Chrono Cross o Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Radical Dreamers - The UnStealable Jewel "All You Need is Love" Link:
Protricity Posted October 27, 2004 Posted October 27, 2004 Had real potential at the intro, but then things started falling apart around :30. Piano lead didn't really go anywhere. Very minimal notes. Percussion isn't very good. Lots of loops and ill-concieved bell shakes. When the strings come in, things just keep going down. The whole 2:35 section is just a mess of notes. Seems to me the only thing this song really had going for it was its high quality samples and the effect the cool pads + hq piano created. However, none of it was used too well. Percussion is pretty rough edged shakey. Arrangement is generally messy. String sample sounds pretty bad in contrast to all the hq samples otherwise. Stuff like that. Good idea though. Also.. I don't recognize this song at all. Its almost like an original trying to sound chrono cross-ish. NO
Malcos Posted October 27, 2004 Posted October 27, 2004 Intro was good, but I was kinda at the rest. There are a lot of strangely badly timed notes in this. Although the ideas in the mix are good, it needs some more work. NO
Liontamer Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 - "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstealable Jewel" (Disc 3, Track 15) This may be ineligible for OCR, as the source tune in question is an extra vocal track by Mitsuda & vocalist Noriko Mitose on the CC OST that (as far as I know) isn't included in the game or game's sound test & certainly isn't in the PSF set. Like Prot alluded to, the intro was pretty spacious and sounded good. But lots of issues surfaced. The percussion is fairly subdued but still somewhat overbearing compared to the melody, was pretty plodding, and didn't accentuate the melodic material well. Rethink the structure there. Minor things like exposed cymbal hits at 1:38/1:43/etc sound pretty cheesy. Though you get more used to it over time, the timing is certainly off in a lot of places. The melodic material never stands out here given how minimal the notes for it are, and later on things just become a mish-mash from 1:35-2:07 & 2:33-2:57. Nice ideas, Ravi, but the elements in these fuller sections needed more clarity/separation as well as more prominence for the lead/melody so that the listener has somewhere to focus their attention. I'm not sure if this track is even eligible for the site, though I urge you to look at it further for a public release of some sort as the ideas are promising. Everything needs work though. NO
The wingless Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 When you put my name in, it's an automatic yes. I have nothing else to say. Oh wait... yes i do As per usual, I agree with everything said before. Great intro, but the wonky off-timed notes really irk me. "humanized" notes should still fall on some reasonable fraction of the beat, like 16th or 32nds, etc. These seem to fall in some nether region of the 4/4 scale. Thematically, there is a lot going on, and I think that's to the song's discredit. Pick one really good and strong musical idea and stick with that through the whole piece. One simple, strong, and clear idea translates infinitely better to the ear than 3 or 4 well-meaning but questionably-executed ideas. I actually don't want to give this a no (and not because of the shameless ego boost Ravi gives me). I really enjoy a lot of what's going on. The problem is that the bar we've set thus far really takes into account what's done right versus what's done... not so right. And in this instance, there are a few things wronger than there are right. My advice to the author would be to consider this piece, as it is right now, as a block of marble. The hard part is over. Now all you have to do is chisel away everything that isn't clear or anything that doesn't further the piece. Once you delete the unnessicary [sic], what remains, however minimal it may seem to you, will be gold to the audience. no The lower case no is my main party platform. That and wellfare reform... and fo' white ho's for evr'y black playa. HOLLA.
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