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First, some disclaimers: If the attachment doesn't work, the recording is also hosted here:

The original title I decided on goes by the classical tradition of naming piano concerti: Piano Concerto No. 1 in B Minor, "Pokémon", but I don't know if that's "original" enough for the website's standards. Therefore, I offer an alternative if the judges prefer a more colorful title: PIANIST wants to fight!

Also, it may be worth mentioning that this project was conceived separately from, and is not meant to complement nor rival, the Pokémon: The Missingno Tracks project or any other project.

Now, my information -

ReMixer name: Skye van Duuren

(Real name is the same)

Email: lordskyeiii@gmail.com

Userid: 35247

Game arranged: Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow

Tracks arranged: Trainer Battle, Route 24

(Game is already added to OCR's archive)

Comments: I always liked the Pokémon RBY music. It seemed to me that the sounds produced by the GameBoy didn't do it justice. In fact, I wondered how it would sound when translated to the extreme opposite end of the instrumentation spectrum: a full orchestra. As a composer just beginning to write for this intimidating ensemble, I thought arranging something as my first full-scale project would be easier than worrying about composing as well. So marrying the two (my fondness for the Pokémon music and wanting to arrange for orchestra) was the logical next step. I'm not sure why I added the piano, though... I've just been fascinated with concerti recently. So the arrangement uses the source material in the setting of a single-movement piano concerto, with the cadenza unconventionally at the start of the piece. Oh, and there are a couple special guests that you wouldn't find in a symphony orchestra; I figured they would help to drive the mix.


- Trainer Battle

- Route 24

The piano intro has nothing recognizable from the pokemon soundtrack. I love it. Unfortunately it shifts gears pretty drastically. The transition is actually quite jarring. The arrangement is quite complex and sophisticated, but this unfortunately translates to "cluttered" in the mix. The string sample is sluggish and unwieldly, and it often fights with the brass and piano for your attention.

I feel bad saying this, but I think this is an example when the samples and the mix really ruin it. There are some excellent compositional ideas here, but applying a very frenetic composition with sluggish and somewhat dark samples makes this track sound really muddy.



Vig pretty much hit this one on the head when he said the samples are killing it. There is some completely awesome arrangement going on, but it's hard to really appreciate with how it sounds right now. Better sounds really could help this out a ton. I am also not hearing much relating to either source in the intro, which is a little bit disappointing to have to go for 1:07 before I hear any 'mon. It seems like you're trying to do the whole "surprise" battle idea, which is nice, but even little riffs here and there would add more relevancy to the intro which right now seems a bit superfluous.

I don't think the arrangement is cluttered, but I think maybe fiddling around with the balance on the instruments will help keep things clearer about what instruments are the focus.

The mix is very complex, which is a lot of fun to listen to, but I would love to hear the sounds match the level that the arrangement has. NO (resubmit)


Samples are killing this mix. Really mechanically sequenced, hard panning the flutes, not really mixed for balance beyond maybe having some samples applied to a MIDI track.

Arrangement is great, but the performance is not; it's quite the opposite. Can't get away with just a good arrangement; we need to hear you create a performance here.


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