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Kirby 64: Factory Investigation HipHop Remix


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Helo, this is my first time posting here on the OC forums. I've always wanted to make remixes, but never got the courage and programs to make some until now. although the following song is not my first remix, it is the one that I'm taking more seriously, the others just being practice to learn how it works. it's still untitled, as this is only the instrumental. I'm waiting for help from others with the lyrics. so without further ado, I give you my remix. it was made with Mixcraft 5. I'd love to hear opinions of those with more experience. once I got the lyrics written and recorded, I'll add them to the song.

(oh, and I have a noob question... is there a way to change the thread order so that the first post into the thread is the top one? for some reason it's configured to be newest posts on top and it's hard for me to read it right.)

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u stoles my avatarus, i hates ur ermix nao!!

No source link? Then I I won't compare to source. I wouldn't be surprised if the source is very similar to this, sounds like it'd fit in the game.

Some decent sound choices but they could be EQd better to each have their own space. Would further help to fine-tune some of their individual envelope and filter settings, but I won't get into that now. Too tired to care atm. :D Not sure about the levels mixing, snare and bass dominate the soundscape, and the slow bell melody and the hihat seems disproportionally loud as well.

After 2 minutes, it runs into some problems with repetition. gets boring with jus the same thing over and over, and losing the bass doesn't help much. When the hihat cuts out it gets better, then there's a sense of ending. Turning the drums to half-tempo when the bass drop out could help, but they sound all right once the hihat is out. Perhaps turning the hihat into half-tempo is enough?

Doesn't take long to find it when you look. :P User CP -> Edit Options -> scroll down to Thread Display Options ->Thread Display Mode -> set to Linear - Oldest First.

And welcome to ocr. :)

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Hey, Zephyrnereus. I'm glad you decided to join OCR. It's a great place to get critiqued on your remixes--I always use the WIP forum for feedback. So, welcome.

I honestly, feel a little bias due to the fact that this is one of my favorite tracks from Crystal Shards. But I'll put that aside so that I can give you accurate advice on your first "serious" remix.

You took out the industrialization theme of it. You actually made me wish it was never there in the first place. :mrgreen:

I like the intro, but whatever sound that is could use far more reverb than whatever it has now.

I like that bass sound, but it gets a little boring. I have found that plotting out the structure of a song once you have it done can help you make it less boring for listeners. So, like have it different in the "first verse," then different in the "chorus," and so on. The more you change it up, the more the judges panel will like it. I've found that too. :roll:

That bell--the lower one? Yeah, it just sounds a little low quality. I have no experience with Mixcraft, (I use FL Studio) so I can't really tell you anything about how to find better sounds. Wait, now that I listen to this more, I think the exact same bell is used in one of the tracks from the game. *hint hint*

And follow Rozo's crits too. He's good. Really good. He TAUGHT me synthesis.

Just keep at it. It takes a while to get something going that you just love.

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