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Another scary one: when you're in the dentist's office in Bioshock, and that mist comes down, and you turn around to run out and the dentist himself is RIGHT BEHIND YOU ready for your root canal or something. I freaking levitated.


The only thing in a game that I can currently remember that's managed to startle me upon first encountering it. Actually, it still manages to do it to me. Makes cavern crawling... interesting.

Yeah, those dude are gay. For some reason I NEVER see them until they are about 4 blocks away. They blend in with the background so well...

MMZ4 pretty much dazzled me back in 05'. It's not so much how it gives a definitive ending for Zero's story but it just feels like a culmination of the previous titles and series. Starting from Mega Man on the NES, to the X series and finally to the Zero series. While fighting Weil I couldn't help but think back of all the previous Robot Masters, Mavericks and "variants" of both leading up to Weil's "shoggoth-ic" final form. It really did feel as it I witnessed and experienced a particular earth's history and watched/interacted with said history.

I was simply amazed that Capcom had the balls to end a series. The day I beat MMZ4 I grew quite a bit of respect for that company.

I can't say I saw it as a culmination of everything Megaman, but I did see it as a very satisfying ending to the MMX/MMZ series.

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