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A quick FL question: How do I utilize samples? Bonus mode: Reaper too? (ALSO FREE SAMPLES INSIDE)


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A lot of criticisms I get from the music I try to make is that often the instruments themselves sound a little blah as far as things go.

Of course, samples don't make the song, clever instrumentation and good musical writing makes the song (as well as production itself).

But still, I realized: Hey! I've collected a LOT of samples over the years, through various legal and free means (thanks to keeping eyes out on deals), but I've never used them!

This stems from a lack of knowledge on using my DAWs, FL studio and Reaper, specifically. I know it's like kindergarten stuff for accomplished mixers, but pretend I am that five-year-old, k?

I mean, I have stuff like Alchemy, MULAB, Jazz Brass Loops, etc etc, but I've never used the darn things. I mean, I'm finally part of actual projects that I have to commit to and intend to commit to, and I just remembered that I have all of these resources sitting on my computer and I'm not using them!

How most of my questions on the FL forum have gone is that I ask how to do something in a step-by-step manner, and this is no different.

How do I load up a sample pack into FL?

As a bonus, since I also use Reaper, I was wondering if anyone knowledgeable in that area could help me out there as well.

Thanks in advance!

As a reward for anyone who decides to help, here is a link to Symphony of Samples, a collection of great samples that were made free by the efforts of some really cool dudes I knew on Newgrounds:


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From this article on custom samples, hopefully useful:

Save the sample in wherever your other Fruity Loops sample folders are. Usually its in the FL Studio folder --> Data --> Patches --> Packs --> and in packs create a new folder to store your samples; I call mine Custom.

When you load up Fruity Loops you will now have a new folder loaded with your samples ready to use in your FL audio projects. Now you have a whole new arsenal to add to your creativity. Good Luck.

Depending on the format, you might have to place it somewhere so its loaded into whatever sampler you're using. Read up on the specifics of Alchemy and MULAB and whatever else you've got.

As for making your stuff sound better, new samples alone might not cut it. You'll probably need to work on both the humanization/performance of the instruments themselves, and on how their processed and mixed together.

Solo it. Whatever instrument you're working on, solo it. Make sure it sounds ok on its own. Humanize, make it into a performance on its own, or with some sparse/soft backing. Then work on another instrument, same deal. Unmute track after track and change EQ, volume, and reverb so they all fit together. It's probably a good idea to start the process with a lead and a backing instrument. I often find myself turning off the drums to hear the other sounds better.

Hope that answers your question somehow.

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(FL8 here, might be a bit different in your version)

First you go to channel-> add one-> audio clip (or sampler)

Then you bring up the menu for the plugin (by left-clicking on the track called "audio clip" in the step sequencer).

In the menu you click on the little folder icon, which will allow you to navigate to the folder where your samples are saved, and pick one. You can even bookmark the folder for future convenience.

This is how I generally handle SFX, drum loops, etc.

Most instrumental samples will usually come with a proprietary sampler that allows you to load multiple instruments and gives you more specialized options that allow for easier sequencing etc. Superior 2.0 (drumkit) for example comes with a sampler that allows you to customize mic positions and has built-in mixing tools.

These are usually in the form of VSTs and can be loaded up by putting the .dll file into your VST folder (usually something like c:\program files\steinberg\VSTplugins I think).

Then in FLstudio you just go to channel->add one-> more-> fast scan, and the new plugin should show up in the list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I didn't respond sooner- I really didn't have time to try this out until now, in the quiet of the library :-)

But thanks, Rozo, as your suggestions were most useful- Also, I am aware that good samples don't guarantee good music... Working so long and effectively with shitty free soundfonts has well taught me that! I try my best through filtering and effects (at least in FL- Reaper I still don't have everything down that I want to have down) to get at the least a SOMEWHAT believable sound, or if not that, an interesting and enjoyable sound.

Thanks to you both!

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