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EDIT: Thanks gintokipianist for playing this! stats.png Comments please? :)


And a little bit of the SNES version

Here's a solo piano remix of Jungle Jitters from the GBA version of DKC3. I've honestly no idea what genre it should fall under -- I'd like to think it's somewhere between jazz and baroque [EDIT: okay it's definitely not baroque haha] (which is a pretty wide range actually), except that I've hardly listened or written either jazz or baroque, so I'm hardly a very good judge.

Comments on the arrangement so far please :) Like whether it seems too far from the source, or if it just sounds plain bad or schizophrenic at parts? Sound is just fed through the Tascam CV piano, although it's hardly continuous velocity because they're all set to 100, so I know it sounds mechanical because well, it is. [EDIT: Well since it's played live now, the sound should be pretty much better haha]

Yeap thanks :)


I'm gonna start with this: the piano is so close to the standard midi piano, nobody would be able to tell the difference. :mrgreen:

Personally like it, but just piano gets a little old. Maybe you should record it! That'd be cool.

Great arrangement by the way.

KEEP AT IT! :)!!


Haha I know the the piano sounds terrible, so I'm either going to record it or find someone to do that once I'm done, but I'm more of looking for comments on the arrangement actually, like whether the style is consistent or it sounds like random 4 bar phrases strung together incoherently.

Glad you liked it though! :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got around to completing this, but I think the ending sounds pretty terrible compared to the beginning =/ Shows how much better 2 hours of inspiration is compared to a week of hacking uninspiredly at it.

But yeah, comments on arrangements please? :) I know production/humanisation is non-existent still (whoops), but if anybody'd like to play this just let me know kay :)

Oh, and I incorporated a little of the SNES soundtrack as well, if it matters haha.


i was gonna say same thing invest in a good piano vst or record direct from audio. if i was going to specify a genre from baraque to jazz id say its impressionist, the harmonies are completely different from baroque, if your going for a more jazzy feel, the rhythm is way to quantised feeling that being said some of the arrangement is very nice, maybe you should try simplify some sections and play it live.. p.s i noticed u asked for someone to play it, can u send me midi, (im a professional pianist, doesnt mean im the worlds best pianist, but i at least practise +4hrs per day for the last 18yrs, i might be able to take a stab at it lol)


Yeap I've realised my original proclamation of it being baroque was totally off haha. I've sent you a pm with the midi, and I'd really appreciate it if you could help me record the piece yeah :) And wow the 4hrs+ daily is really dedicated, my half an hour of random banging on the piano each day pales in comparison haha whoops.

Oh and really minor update to what should be the final version, changed it to mod review (wrt arrangement) as well yeap.


hey mate thought id give you an update and show you that im actually doing something

ok so ive started recording the tune, ive been breaking it into sections, and make a few changes, but for the most part this is it


timecode:0.00-0.12, Style: Baroque Counterpoint

Changes- Played section at a much slower tempo to give it sort of bach invention feel, played left hand staccato and very softly. small change to flow of piece to allow pause before the more dramatic section


timecode:0.12-0.20 Style : To me a sort of Beethoven style orchestral strings with cello and bass playing fierce staccato 16ths.played this part at a much higher tempo and with much more pronouced beats to give a kinda "closing in" feel.


timecode:0.20-0.28 Style: Latin (bass) ok i noticed abit of a latin bass here like mambo so i thought id try to play that abit more pronouced.


timecode:0.28-0.58 Style: Back to the ferocious style again in this section some of the chords you had used were alittle tricky under the fingers in the bass so i used more conventional voicings, for instance you sometimes have thirds very low in the piano and its much more normal to have 5ths 7ths or 10ths in the bass, as close harmonies often sound muddy and can be tricky to play since you need to use both your weak fingers.

hope you enjoy what i have done so far, ive quanised my playing slightly by pulling the notes slightly closer to the beat but not in a way to remove the human element, and i also focused alot of the dynamics to give you a more intresting arrangement! looking forward to the next section, also i noticed the piano sound is abit saturated in the mids, i can sort that out though lol



got about 1min more done,

0.52-1.04, Had to change the bass line as i was finding it confusing cross rhythm with the top line, sorry lol, but i replaced it with a "sonata pathetique" style 16ths octave bass which i think sounds pretty snazzy.

1.05-1.20, slowed this section down and played it with alot more definition to give it that jazz "crunch chord" kinda sound added a couple of slightly bluesy roll offs while i was there also haha.

1.20-1.57, alot of 3rds/4ths etc in the right hand here slowed the tempo slightly to make it playable occasionally had to remove or replace some harmonies, tried to stay faithful to your version.

1.57-2.20. your solo section, this part was surprisingly relatively easy most of the runs were 7th chords reminded me abit of some of the patterns in chopins revolutionary etude however i did have to alter the bass abit again haha..

the remainder- what i havent played yet, i have practised abit, it seems like alot of it will be impractical and need editing i do like the swung section though so i will try to play at least some of it! for now check this out. p.s removed some of the mid range from the piano.



Wow you're amazingly fast and efficient. And the playing sounds great as well! :) Thanks so much, really, this does sound awesome haha.

I really like your changes, especially the pathetique sonata bass and the jazzing up of some bits, so feel free to make any more you want to. Haha sorry about the impractical bits and the lower thirds (the piano vst I used hardly had any bass so I think it sounded a little empty without those chords haha. But with a real piano, that's another story :) )


well its the weekend haha, so im not really working, but yeah looking at the last part i have a couple of options, i think ill probably clean the score abit, so that the notes fit under my fingers abit better, i mean if worst comes to worst, i can always record hands separately, but to be honest i dont like doing that on piano since it gives too much separation sounds abit false, when i finish would you rather i sent you the piano with the current processing (small amount of reverb/multiband compressor (since it was heavy in the middle), maximiser added for volume really. i think it sounds great but if you wanted it dry in case you wanted to add other instruments etc i dont mind.


Haha I think the former's a better option (if you don't mind the work, sorry about that!), recording hands separately on piano seems to me rather a strange process yeah. This was intended to be a piano solo, so let's leave it that way shall we, I think it sounds great as well haha. I'm useless at the processing part so I'll leave that to you :)

I assume you'll want to submit this to OCR once it's done?


you can do whatever you want its your piece lol, and well you would be surprised how often people double or even triple track pianos to make it sound like they are pro, you can get good results, but its never very dynamic, fine for stuff like pop though lmao. and yeah im not exactly sure what "submitting" and such really is here, since i actually only joined here a few days ago when they added me on youtube and i was like wow theres a whole forum for this stuff lmao.


Well it would hardly have materialised without you playing it. Haha I just stumbled upon your youtube and saw all your split screen videos, so I guess the multitrack stuff does work (I personally find it hard to synchronise it properly though, but that's probably just me haha).

Haha basically all the stuff that gets posted to the main site is user submitted, and it goes through evaluation by the judges so as to, well, judge whether it's good enough to actually get posted.


well all my youtube stuff i play to click, its hard to always tell but im always wearing earphones, you can often see the lead dangling about, but no what i mean is, if you got dynamic differences between you hands which will happen if you play parts separately it can sound abit false. anyways been working on the next section only the last 8 bars to do, i did a sort of ska/reggee section where you havethose chords on the upbeat, and then you got that lazy feel bit and i take it too a sort of lazz jazz/blues with some slides on the keys i took the tempo down alot and had to remove some bass notes, but the final 8 bars im practising at the moment at about 125bpm, to give you a crazy jazz/blues style ending, im considering bringing it up an octave also i think it sounds nicer on the real piano that way. gotta go shoping now! but when i get back ill take a crack at recording the finale!


ok finished recording, i think the sounds ok, if other people could tell me how the balance sounds on there pcs, because its good to find out, for instance my 5.1 system seems to suck out the middle abit since its alot of high end and bass. though the balance is great on my mixing headphones and hifi lol.



Haha I've said this a million times already, but thanks so much, I really didn't expect you to be able to come up with all this within a couple of days :)

I'll probably wait for a couple of comments more before submitting this though, although it sounds fine on my speakers to me :)

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