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*NO* Final Fantasy Mystic Quest 'Prohpecy Fulfilled'

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Remixer Name - Wynd Balduram

E-mail: Wynd_Balduram@mail.com

Website: http://www.nettally.com/johuff

Name of Remix: Prophecy Fulfilled

Name of game Remixed: Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest Song Remixed: Final Battle Theme

Comments - The drums were done in Fruity Loops using downloaded samples. The guitars and bass were recorded using the GNX 3 Guitar Workstation directly into Guitar Tracks 2, and then imported into Fruity Loops and tweaked. So, all the instruments are genuine. The electric guitar tracks were done using a Fender Stratocaster, and the bass track was done using a cheap First Act bass. This is my first attempt at actually mixing something of quality, so it would surprise me if it actually made the archive.



http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ffmq.rsn - "Battle 3" (ffmq-25.spc)

You misspelled prophecy in your filename, I see. Not really my thing per se, but this wasn't bad. Vig & zyko will be able to give the guitar the critique it deserves. Pretty good cover/upgrade, but this is too brief and needs more done here. The source has been given some more depth via instrumentation, but there's practically 0 rearrangement to speak of and you just repeat 2 1/2 iterations of the source. Put more into this and expand the composition with ideas of your own. I'm not gonna NO Override, because I feel the instrumentation deserves further commentary, but this is both too brief & too straightforward a cover.



Fun stuff. Better than average guitar sound and I really dig the energy that you have here. But like Larry mentioned, this is really a cover rather than a rearrangement. It's an enjoyable cover, but it doesn't fit in with the site's standards.



Yeah, there's really not much rearrangement to speak of here. However, I actually have more of a problem with the technical side of the song. The mixing is really very messy and sounds unrealistic - as if the drums were simply slapped on the recording of the guitar, rather than played WITH the guitar. It's definitely possible to sequence realistic, energetic drums for rock remixes, and I'd like to see that done here. Also, the whole mix sounds pretty flat - the guitar, drums, and bass are muddying eachother up without expanding across the whole frequency spectrum. I would go back to this, reset all of your effects, and start from the beginning with them. Use parametric EQs/compression/reverb to create a more "full" sound. The guitar playing is solid, but if it's not processed well, it doesn't do the mix much good.



Lack of arrangement that is slanted towards a cover make this almost an automatic no. I also felt the guitar sound was kind of thin, and ugly. The playing is very solid though.

Next time arrange the piece more. Change the structure, tempo, change the form, expand the melody/harmony, add things, something. Pretty fun to listen to, but without proper arrangement, as is, NO.

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