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Streets of rage 2 remixes


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Hey guys im new here but i guess some have you might have seen me from youtube, i love playing/mixing/mastering and remixing video game music, mostly streets of rage/sonic/final fantasy abit of zelda and just randoms, sometimes i take requests, ive got a full time job in real life so this stuff is really my time away from doing crappy pop tunes etc, anyways here are some of streets of rage 2 mixes (my thing is that i record myself playing each instrument part of piano and put it all together)

Streets of Rage 2 Stage 8 (final stage)

Streets of Rage 2 Ending Credits theme

Streets of Rage 2 Under logic (Stage 4 i think :) )

either way hope you enjoy them, critisism is fine also, like i said im actually a professional pianist/producer that being said im not exactly qualified to give any sort of advice on video game music :P

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Awesome! I wanna Download Stage 8 and 4, immediately!

Only thing I can mention for the first track, is that I think you messed up a note on the Piano theme at around 5:07 I heard a stutter. It does kind of take away from it a tad. but It's still good. I don't know if this constitutes as a remix, I wouldn't be surprised if these are labeled more as covers.

edited: no idea why an emoticon popped up in my comment, strange.

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I'm a big fan of the SOR series so I thought I'd check these out. Amazing job! I've used a bit of Logic at College so it's cool to see what else can be done with it. Really great interepretations of the classic songs. :) I particularly like the Ending and Stage 4 out of that lot.

I'm actually working on Stage 1. Not sure if I'll get it done. If not, I guess it's just good practice for when I finally get it right :-P

yeah your pretty much right, i basically played them as i heard them with updated instrumentation, i hope people can enjoy them anyways! if its not broken why change it :P

Hey, I'm guilty of this too. :-P I'm aware that some people on OCR make mozart-remixes in that they add so much more to what's there. But I believe remixing is about paying tribute, so sometimes you don't have to overly change something which was already great to begin with.

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yeah but i guess this site is called remix :P most of what i do is just "mix" so sometimes im not really doing what people are looking for but well streets of rage are so well composed i normally just try to play it in a much more well mastered and using real or high quality vst instruments so it doesnt sound so midi anymore lol p.s i just noticed some guy said he was gonna download stage 4-8 if i get requests like this alot, i can always upload all my mp3s since i pretty much always export them as 320kb, gotta be better than ripping from youtube lol.

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