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lol get it ducks. Dave wanted me to submit this so here you go, dunno why I didn't submit it like 3 years ago when I made it?!?! hope you like it brosefs


- "Olein Cavern"

I thought the drums from :21 were pretty weak. The snare wasn't awful quality, but the drum writing was too plodding and wasn't the right fit.

Thank God they dropped at 1:23 and you started getting more creative with the Eastern writing. Then as soon as I typed that, the drums came back at 1:39 for basically the rest of the track. :lol: Even listening to the original, which has a core beat, the drum-style sound used for it alternated between a louder, shorter hit and a longer, softer hit. This doesn't even have that.

Texturally, this was pretty basic, and I thought the boring snare and plain-jane synths didn't add up to a solid, cohesive sound. Even though this is an older track, if you were still willing to come back to it and add a bit more substance to it, I'd love to hear it. But as is, it's just not developed enough or locking together enough. This is a solid base though.

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

Larry is pretty spot-on for this. It's a solid base for a mix. The arrangement is nice, and I like the different ideas you added, but the sounds being overall plain makes the piece feel uninspired, which isn't true. The drum writing is also adding to the issue.

I'd like to hear this again, if you're still considering working on it!

NO (resubmit)


I like the drums in a vacuum, Scott, but as has been said, it wasn't a good fit for this song. They sound as if they are in a different sound space than the rest of the instruments. There are a few moments where this sounds too simple, not enough variation to sustain interest. By that I mean that the notes change, there are new melodies, but it feels more like wheel-spinning than progression. By halfway through the song, I feel like I've already heard everything this song has to offer. Pretty nice start, but I think this needs more to it.

NO (resubmit)

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