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*NO* Mega Man '(Let Me Stand Next to Your) Fire Storm'

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Another submission, which I think should stand a much better chance than that of my previous one (African Mines) of getting posted.

Contact Info:

My remixer name: Lie Mf B

Real name: Henrik Lidbjörk

Mail adress: lie.b@runtimerecords.net

Website: http://lidbjork.homelinux.org/nintendo

OCR forum ID number: ???

ReMix Info:

Game remixed: Mega Man (for NES)

Song title: (Let Me Stand Next To Your) Fire Storm

My comments:

Here's my latest effort, and the first in which I consiously did a bigger rearrangement of the song. Like all my NES tunes, it has a sampled drumtrack, in this case from The Stone Roses' "Daybreak". The bassline, played on electric guitar, has undergone a Blaxploitation kind of turnover, with the main guitar getting some flanger effects and then wah-wah for the solo. On top of that two other small guitar lines for added funk. Everything are real instruments, miked and recorded straight into the computer. The title, BTW, is a reference to the chorus in Jimi Hendrix's "Fire". The rest of my NES stuff is available at http://lidbjork.homelinux.org/nintendo

Thanks in advance!


hate to say it, buddy, but you gotta buy a bass. that electric guitar just doesnt do it.

the groove is cool.

unfortunately the bridge is very cluttered and messy. you dont hit all the existing chord changes. there are LOTS of bad notes.

the guitar solo is okay, but the arrangemetn fizzles out. it goes thru the verse, solo, verse, fadeout. gotta put more effort into the arrangement.



http://www.zophar.net/nsf/megaman1.zip - "Fireman Stage" (Track 7)

Harp about lower guitar standards and all that shit, but frankly, this is quality stuff. I agree with Vig that you really need a bass to handle the bassline if possible, and the bassline was too repetitive. Go for a little bit more more with the flanger and wah-wah effects.

Cool stuff at 1:33 with the further arranged source work moving into the freeform solo at 1:53. 1:53-2:24 was especially where the repetitiveness of the bassline and percussion stuck out. I realize the drums are sampled and pay homage to the Stone Roses, but absolutely be sure to change things up with the percussion and the bassline to something totally unique there to keep things fresh, along with having additional subtle variation on those throughout the rest of the track.

A lot of work was put forth in expanding the source material via the many additional lines of instrumentation and it's duly noted here. Frankly, there's nothing wrong with taking this expansive straight arrangement approach, and I think this in particular has promise as an Hendrix/blaxplotaion-influenced genre piece. Not quite there, as the lead could sound more expressive, but it's certainly getting there. But yeah, what I basically heard was 2 iterations of the source's melody/chorus, followed by the solo, and then a 3rd iteration of the source tune melody/chorus. Add some further original ideas elsewhere in the mix.

So to iterate, hook it up with a real bass guitar for a richer bass sound if possible, provide more percussion and bassline variation to keep the backup instruments from getting stale, and add more original ideas of your own to put more personal compositional touches to this. Take the advice of Vigilante (and possibly Danny B & zyko if they comment) on what you can do to strengthen the guitar tone and delivery here. Please RESUBMIT, Henrik. I'm keeping this one.

NO (refine & resubmit)


In order not to repeat what has already been said, two main issues here for me. It needs more arrangement, a more thought out one. Second, this is really cluttered and cluttered with bad notes too.

This is really cool, but it needs more work and polish to capitalize on some of the cool ideas here.

NO, but please consider working on this more for a resubmit.


so here's the deal.

i love this song. i'm not particularly impressed more by those meticulous shredfests of top tier yngwie-clones and moreso by raw, funky, grunkly playing. in that regard, this track is everything i want from a guitar driven track - reminds me a lot of deodato and most late 70's funk rock.

i don't have as much problem with the misplayed chords or the errant notes throughout as did vigilante - the playing has a lot more character than most guitar mixes i get to hear. the solo around the 2 min mark is a very good lead. i love the style and think you nailed it.

also liontamer mentioned the tone. the tone's fine - in fact, it is precisely what it ought to be... its fairly easy to mimic the seventies in terms of guitar tone since we have advanced so much in processing guitar sound that the old methods are second nature to experienced guitarists ... so it isn' as if his accomplishment with the tone is one of great achievement but it is so spot-on, its ridiculous :) the only other track i can think of right now that equally nails the era as this does is virt's sky high track but then again, virt can write authentic bali shaman/monk music if he wanted to.

honestly, i'm not bothered by the pseudo-bassline - i just think you should have a real bass line going underneath that even because i think the clean tone guitar part that is tryin to serve as the bass is a good part and is well phrased but is not filling out the soundfield.

the arrangement doesn't bother me with one exception. i think all things considered, its structured in fairly standard fanfare except that ending needs some attention... when you come out of the solo, you really ought to consider changing yuor approach of the main theme. solo's rockin and then we get into the same bland main portion before you fade it out. there are two different types of fadeouts - fades that just end a track that otherwise won't end... and fades that carry the burden of intent, purpose and design. this is definetly not the latter

it just falls slowly to the ground into a crumpled pile of ash and that is hugely disappointing.

in fact, the track's immense failure coming out of the solo absolutely kills this track's viability. and that sucks because you're an awesome guitarist and this is an awesome track.

refine. resubmit. please.

but as it is, this is a NO

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